The SnowMan Radio Broadcast, a satirical talk show, was produced between August of 1999, and May 2001 by Jim Snowbarger of Marshalltown Iowa. The program was broadcast over Later shows were also broadcast on Shows were also posted on and a now defunked service called All voices and nearly all of the music used on this show were that of Jim Snowbarger.
The Program was supposedly originated from a mythical radio station known as WWSNOW, an A.M. station which featured talk programming comprised of the stream-of-consciousness ramblings of The SnowMan. The show featured three primary personalities:
The SnowMan - the self-possessed star of the show and boss of the station.
The program engineer and producer, who speaks over an intercom system, often harassing the SnowMan as he does his show, but who is never named.
Other personalities referred to but never heard were Nookie, girlfriend of Hefty Genitals, an unnamed secretary, presumably the SnowGirl, and the staff psychologist Dr. Weebit Mental, though Dr. Weebit does make one appearance.
The program was actually produced in a small spare bedroom with an 8-channel mixing board, several effects devices and a computer. The first 25% of these programs were produced on analog tape, with the remainder done with multi-track computer software. All programs were produced on Saturday afternoon, and
uploaded late saturday night.