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HOW TO: Pro Tools-TIPs

HOW TO: Pro Tools-TIPs is a FREE weekly HOW TO: podcast providing quick tips for getting more out of your Digidesign Pro Tools rig. Beginners and advanced users (HD, LE and M-Powered), alike will find value in these concise, informative, one of a kind tutorials. For additional and full length tutorials including larger 16x9 screen sizes, added content, special features, prize drawing give-aways and optional iPhone feeds, check out the HOW TO: Pro Tools-PREMIUM podcasts at TutorialDEPOT HOW TOs are designed with a 3 screen approach, so weather you're viewing on your iPod/iPhone, desktop, or large screen AppleTV rig, the HOW TO: Pro Tools unique tutorials are your best source for learning Pro Tools anyway, anywhere, anytime. Author Steve Thomas and Producer Steve Albanese are Pro Tools and DAW veterans. The Steve team have authored books on the Pro Tools, Digital Performer and Digital Audio and have been producing tutorial videos for ove ten years. Subscribe today!
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