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Dawn of the Planet of the Apes: Firestorm by Greg Keyes

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes is set in a post-apocalyptic San Francisco where an uneasy truce is being negotiated between distrustful apes and paranoid human survivors. How did things get so bad between man and his closest genetic match to make war such an inevitable outcome? And what was life like in the initial days after apes broke free of their cages and stormed across the Golden Gate bridge to take refuge in the Redwoods? In the prequel novel Dawn of the Planet of the Apes: Firestorm author Greg Keyes returns to the year 2011, bringing together all new characters with the fan favorites of Rise of the Planet of the Apes to explore a turning point in both species' survival. Does he find a way to expand upon the movie universe, or are you better off skipping this 304 page preview and just reading the new film's numerous subtitles?

Stuart in LA answers this and more in his final Planet of the Apes podcast of the summer. Listen now!Then head to Now Playing Podcast's donation page to hear the movie retrospective! The movie podcasts are only available until July 31, 2014!
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