Viaway is a missing link between international entertainment and viewers around the world, found on all Internet connected devices.
Discover: Viaway offers a large selection of free and paid content in many languages. Discover and enjoy over a 1,000 live & on-demand TV channels; 10,000 films and TV shows; 100,000 free video and audio podcasts; 50,000 free Internet radio choices from around the world! Watch FREE TV in your living room and on the go with
Play: Watch your local Live TV, seamlessly and without syncing play your personal video and music library on your favorite devices using Cloud TV: Record & Play cloud-based service with
Personalize: Build your own library with Plus features like Favorites, Queue, Download and History. Everything you browse, search, bookmark, or add to Favorites and Queue appears on all of your devices. Download free content and play it offline.
Follow this link for a complete list of the devices that support Viaway
New device activation by country
Connect with International audiences across multiple screens all around the world.
Below is a map of Viaway users all over the world. The number is in % of total devices for a date range.
Extend your content reach to the Internet connected devices
Below is a chart of devices that have been activated with Viaway service. The number is in % of total devices.
User engagement from 2/17/2025 to 3/19/2025
Viaway users stay engaged with entertainment from around the world for long a period of time.
Below is a real-time data of an average users engagement in minutes by day for the period.
No Data To Report
User engagement from 2/17/2025 to 3/19/2025
Viewers from around the world turn to Viaway for entertainment daily.
Below is a real-time data of a number of users by day for the period.
No Data To Report
Playback of content by age
Below is content play by age.
Playback of content by gender
Below is content play by gender.
Playback of content by viewer primary language
Below is content play by viewers primary language choice.
Playback of content by viewer secondary language
Below is content play by viewers secondary language.
Viewer language by country
Primary language: English. Secondary Language: English.