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FCV078: Social Media-School Gap — Guest: Matt Renwick

When kids have issues with other kids outside of the school day, it can bleed over into the next day at school. And the day after that. So much so that school hallways and lunchrooms can begin to feel like battlegrounds. How can schools help? "It's definitely not a technology gap," says school administrator Matt Renwick. "Kids are very intuitive and can figure things out on their own." The problem, he says, isn't a matter of giving them the tech tools, it is teaching them how to use technology responsibly. Annie talks to Matt about reducing the social media conflicts by helping kids use those teachable moments to process how to work through conflicts in responsible ways. He also encourages his teachers to provide classroom lessons on the responsible use of social media.

About Matt Renwick (@ReadByExample)
Matt Renwick is in his seventeenth year in public education. He has been a classroom teacher and a dean of students at the junior high level. Matt is currently an elementary school principal. At his blog, Reading By Example, he writes about the role of the student leader in general and often where leadership and the use of social media intersect. Learn more at

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