Today's tweens and teens spend a lot of time connected to each other on social media. Some of it is just chatter (like many of the texts we send to our friends and family!). But heart-to-heart connections also happen for teens via social media and they know the difference. Parents want to maintain the heart connection with their kids, but kids have ambivalence when it comes to "how close" to be with their parents. As Clinical psychologist Dr. Laura Markham says, "Parents make all kinds of missteps that make teens feel they don't want to be close (to us). When we parent out of fear we push them away." Annie talks with Laura about how to make fewer missteps and keep that parent-teen connection respectful and positive.
About Laura Markham (@DrLauraMarkham)
Dr. Laura Markham trained as a Clinical Psychologist, earning her PhD from Columbia University. She is the founding editor of and also serves as a parenting expert for, Psychology Today, The Natural Parent Magazine and others.
Dr. Laura's books include "Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids: How to Stop Yelling and Start Connecting" and "Peaceful Parent, Happy Siblings: How to Stop the Fighting and Raise Friends for Life." Her relationship-based parenting model has helped thousands of families across the U.S. and Canada find compassionate, common-sense solutions to everything from separation anxiety and sleep problems to sass talk and cell phones. Learn more at
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