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FCV055: The Stepfamily Challenge — Guest: Judy Graybill

When two people marry, and one or both already has children from a previous relationship, there are often unique challenges. According to Judy Graybill, a stepparent coach, the #1 issue that brings couples to her is discipline, specifically, how to mesh different styles of parenting so that what you present, as a couple, is consistent and effective. "When it comes to (step) parenting, there is no 'wrong.' It's about results. Either you get the results you want or you don't." Working together, as a couple, on the differences, without one person feeling like he or she is giving up their core values, is the key to a successful parenting partnership. Annie talks with Judy about working as a team so you're more likely to have a healthy relationship with your stepchildren, one that nurtures you, them, and your marriage.

About Judy Graybill (@StepfamilyCoach)
Judy Graybill has been a certified stepfamily coach since 2007. Because of her own first-hand experience as a stepmom, she is passionate about helping stepparent, parents, and (step) children. In her coaching practice she helps partners understand these fundamental realities:

* a parent can unintentionally sabotage a relationship between his/her biological kids and the partner.
* an ex-spouse can (and will) intentionally sabotage a relationship between their biological kids and the stepparent.
* a healthy step couple's relationship must come first in order to prevent another separation. The key is teamwork.

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