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Plato's most popular dialogue, The Republic, as read by Doug McLeod. Presented by
The Republic by Plato presented by
A podcast from The Hastings Center, a nonpartisan research institution dedicated to bioethics and the public interest since 1969.
The Hastings Center Bioethics Podcast
The Creative Writing Podcast at is designed to help writers of all levels. The focus is on characterization, narrative, plot development, dialogue, conflict, setting, literary archetypes, etc. Episodes are not centered around mindless, useless pep talks and recycled writing tips. Rather, the Podcast at offers in-depth analysis of what works and what doesn't, with explanations and original writing samples. Subscribe and visit for more information. -- Creative Writing Podcast
Mat Edvik and Summer Morris discuss ways to help teenage girls increase their self-esteem and the level of happiness they are experiencing.
"Mat Edvik has helped me overcome many personal issues over the time I've known him. He has known me at my weakest, most vulnerable state and has been extremely knowledgeable and easy to talk to. I could come to him with anything, whether it be regarding my issues with depression, finding a reason to live, and finding purpose in life. He helped me discover that I was valueable and deserved to live an incredible life."
Laura A.
San Diego CA
Teen Esteem Council Podcast
"A Snarky Audio Cocktail," says David In Denver...
Taylor the Latte Boy and Rodan (the gays) and Taffy Carlisle Huffington (the girl) talk about life in Florida and Louisiana, love, friendship and pop culture on a weekly podcast. MONRRRROOOOE!!!!
Pod Is My Copilot
The Survival Podcast is an online radio show that covers all aspects of modern survivalism with topic such as...
* The Current and Future State of the Economy
* Using Solar Energy Sources
* Small Scale Farming and Survival Gardening
* Political Philosophies and Libertarian Ideals
* Wilderness and Emergency Situation Survival
* Food Storage Options
* Preparing for Natural Disasters
* Homesteading (Suburban and Rural)
* Small Live Stock
* Small Scale Aquaculture
* Safe Investing in Modern Times
* Solar Cooking
* Bio Fuels
* Our Looming National Debt and What it Means to the Individual
* Seed Saving and Heirloom Fruits and Vegetables
* Guns and firearms
* Self Defense Methods
* Investing in Gold and Silver
* True Patriotism
The Survival Podcast
My podcast where I talk about things that interest me, animals, computers, movies, Vegetarian / Veganism, New Zealand, Famous people and more :)
Early episodes might not show below, go to to download all episodes of my podcast :)
Richard Pearse, Mister Rogers, NZ Vegan, Theme Parks like Dreamworld and Movie World , South Invercargill, Fast Times At Ridgemont High, Sixteen Candles, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, The Breakfast Club, Mean Girls, 1980's movies, Nintendo Power Glove, Vegetarian / Vegan ideas, Podcasting, President Richard Nixon, No Agenda, John C Dvorak, The Buzzkill, Adam Curry, Crackpot, Blackbird, SR71 Blackbird Mach 3 plane, 1970's horror films, Deranged, Deliverance, Soylent Green, 911 Conspiracy, Old Kew Hospital Invercargill, Jumbo elephant, Loritz Circus protest, New Zealand Pork Scandal, Factory Farming, NZ Pigs, Metal Gear Solid, Once Were Warriors, Maori, South Auckland, Tunguska Event, Russia, Explosion, Lettuce Ladies, PETA, Nude, Presidential Animals, Barney, George Bush, Richard Nixon, Checkers, Obama, fly swatting, Wilhelm Scream, Sound Effects, Movie production, Agent Orange, Ivon Watkins Dow, Chemical Company, Michael Jackson's death, Edward Scissorhands, Tim Burton, Living Cell Technology, Pig Transplants in New Zealand, Diabetes, Auckland Island Pigs, Michael Jackson's Memorial, Freezing Works, Slaughterhouse, Abattoir, Matthew Shepard, Killed for being Gay, Scary Technology, RFID, Death Rays, Monsanto, GE, GM, Joys of Human Invention, Anti Smacking Bill, Animal Farm, George Orwell, Communism, Eating Dogs, Cat Dissection, Lamb Beheading, Speciesism, Don Gorske, Big Mac Lover, Super Size Me, Chickens, Anti Smacking Bill Fallout, Horse Meat, Michael Laws, Hunting, Anti Hunting, Earthlings, Stand By Me, Contact, American Beauty, Always Blow On The Pie!, New Zealand Pop Culture,
with more episodes coming to you soon from Invercargill New Zealand!
JayWontdart's podcast
Podcast #24! Interview with VP of Earth Balance, TJ McIntyre!
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Ancient & Medieval Philosophy
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Today, on Eating Consciously Podcast, we discuss the sustainability of palm oil with the VP of Earth Balance!Download Now!
العربية (المملكة العربية السعودية) \ Audio Books \ Philosophy \ Ancient & Medieval Philosophy
العربية (المملكة العربية السعودية) \ Russian Films \ Faith & Spirituality
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Eating Consciously Podcast
Sorry guys! I lost all of my podcast files when my hosting site went out of business without notice and deleted all my files! Luckily I had backups of every episode, except this one. So, that's it. You're out of luck. No episode #3 :(
Being "preachy", milk sucking, and cooking for others.
An interview with Dara Lovitz, author of the upcoming book, "Muzzling a Movement." Dara will talk with us about the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act, SHAC, and other legal issues facing animal activists. Download Now!
Podcast #21! Muzzling a Movement, an interview with Dara Lovitz.
An interview with Dallas Rising as we discuss humane myths and abolitionist veganism! www.animalrightscoalition.comDownload Now!
Podcast 20! An interview with Dallas Rising!
On this episode of Eating Consciously Podcast, I graciously welcome a special cohost to discuss vegan news topics and controversies before we debunk vegan nutrition myths and misinformation with special guest, Ginny Messina, MPH, RD! Download Now!Don't forget to check out the facts on soy by visiting
Podcast #19! Special cohost, Mikeypod, and an interview with The Vegan RD!
In this episode, we get a chance to speak with Chenoa Manor's Executive Director, Dr. Rob Teti, and the teens who volunteer there. We also discuss issues concerning my arrest for exercising free speech, PeTA's ridiculous messages, and even a quick cooking tip on making your own vegan whipped topping. All that and more! Don't forget to visit Chenoa Manor at www.chenoamanor.orgDownload Now!
Podcast #18! Interview with Dr. Rob Teti and teens from Chenoa Manor and more...
I recently did an interview with CARE on their Advocacy Live radio show. I wanted to share it here with all of you. You can find out more about CARE by visiting their website at Download Now!
CARE Advocacy Live!
I'm back! And I interview Leanne Hilgart, owner of Vaute Couture, and fashionista for the vegan senses!www.vautecouture.comDownload Now!
Podcast #22! Leanne Hilgart from Vaute Couture!
Woo hoo! The first podcast is out! I talk about some crazy events that have taken place and even discuss a youtuber dominatrix. Leave commments and give feedback so I can improve this and make is something YOU want to listen to.Download Now
Podcast #1: Introduction and stuff
Marianne Bessey joins us to tell YOU how to take activism into your own hands.Download now!
Podcast #17! Coordinate your own demo!
Today on Eating Consciously Podcast we interview Zia from!Download Now!
Podcast #16! An interview with Zia from
In this episode of Eating Consciously Podcast, we interview The Traveling Vegetarian, otherwise known as Yvonne Smith. www.thetravelingvegetarian.tvDownload Now!
Podcast #15! Interview with Yvonne Smith: The Traveling Vegetarian
All you ever wanted to know about rats and more!Download Now
Podcast #14! Rat Chick Rat Rescue!!
Today we analyze why exactly it is that people engage in behavior that causes immense suffering and death to animals. Melanie Joy is the author of Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows: An Introduction to Carnism, which you can pre-order now here: this episode
Podcast #13! The psychology of carnism with Melanie Joy, Ph.D
Stop eating Earth Balance?! Crazy talk, right? Maybe not after tuning in to this latest interview with Debra Erenberg of the Rainforest Action Network Download this episode now
Podcast #12! Why we should stop eating Earth Balance?!
Listen in as I talk to The Healthy Voyager, Carolyn Scott, about traveling the world as a vegan! www.healthyvoyager.comDownload Now
Podcast #11! An interview with The Healthy Voyager!
I was recently interviewed on the radio show, Vegetarian Stew, out of Grand Junction, CO. This is the ONLY place you can hear it. For the record, Oreos ARE VEGAN!Download Now
Podcast #10! My interview on Vegetarian Stew!
How stupid can you be? Pretty stupid when you consume animal flesh and secretions ;)Download Now
Podcast #9! Stupid questions vegans get asked!
Another month, another podcast! Ranting about school and offering some encouraging quotes ;)Download Now
Podcast #8: Another month and more rantiness!
In this episode, I apologize for the delay between shows, but get caught up on the interesting news I've been collecting. New sounds too! Let me know what you think ;)Download Now
Podcast #7: Killing birds, new sounds, and lots of news!
It's really not about taste! I don't care about how "good" anything tastes, it's the ethics behind it!!!! Are you vegetarian? Then listen up!! Welfare vs. Abolition, what do you think? Download Now
Podcast #6: It's not about taste, vegetarians, and welfare vs. abolition.
Dealing with family and friend during the holidays and talking turkey.Download Now
Podcast #5 Dealing with holiday "arguments"
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Eating Consciously Podcast
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