How to start any business from home. Godseer is a company which teaches the art of Discovering Your Life's Work, using spiritual principles. Throughout history humans have explored spirituality and attempted to make sense of it in their own lives. Is there reason & purpose for my life? Yes, there is. Can I know what it is? Yes, you can.
Certified Behavioral Therapist and Spiritual Career Counselor, Kathi Calahan is “The Idea Queen & Go-To Person” for solutions to your everyday start a business from home problems. Using the 4 principles of spirituality, she will help you find the work best suited to your personality and Soul’s desire.
Through the use of her Solid Gold Coaching Program, her Finding God - Practical & Spiritual Solutions to Everyday Career Problems Ebook Study Course, Career Meditation MP3 and Teleseminars, detailed instruction is given in a very intensive 30 day program designed to put you in the soul-longing job of your dreams, matching your spiritual gifts with your personality.
Her background includes teaching at two different California community colleges, a business representative at the Camp Verde Chamber of Commerce and for many years developed her spiritual side by working as an intuitive.
Helping you discover your life's work is done through her company, Finding God, Practical & Spiritual Solutions to Everyday Problems.
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