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Creating Wealth with Jason Hartman
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Survive and thrive in todayâs economy. With nearly 130 shows, business and investment guru, Jason Hartman interviews top-tier guests, bestselling authors and financial experts including; Robert Kiyosaki (Rich Dad), Harry Dent (The Great Depression Ahead), Peter Schiff (Crash Proof), Ellen Brown (Web of Debt), Lawrence Yun (National Association of Realtors â NAR), Thomas Woods (Meltdown), Gerald Celente (Trends Journal), Mike âMishâ Shedlock, G. Edward Griffin (
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The Creature from Jekyll Island), Chris Mayer (Capital & Crisis), Chris Martenson (The Crash Course), John Assaraf (The Secret), Robert Prechter (Elliott Wave), Pat Buchanan (Presidential Candidate), Eric Tyson (Investing for Dummies), Addison Wiggin & Bill Bonner (Agora â The Daily Reckoning), Catherine Austin Fitts (Solari), Thomas Sowell (The Hoover Institution), Marc Chandler (Making Sense of the Dollar), John G. Miller (The Question Behind the Questions (QBQ!), Dan Sullivan (Strategic Coach), Steve Milloy (Green Hell), Gillian Tett (Foolâs Gold & The Financial Times), Howard Ruff (Prosper In The Coming Bad Years), Larry Parks (Gold Wars & FAME), James West (Crime of the Century), Les Leopold (The Looting of America) and many others. Profit from commentary on political news from Ron Paul, Jim Rogers, Warren Buffett, Bloomberg, CNBC, FOX, KABC and KFI. Learn fresh new ways to create and protect wealth while building passive income with real estate, home-based business, internet marketing, SEO, PPC, iPhone apps and social media. You'll learn innovative ways to "game the system" relating to the American economic mess, Wall Street scams, mortgage meltdown, inflation, deflation and monetary policy. Jason shares his no-hype investment strategies for REO's / foreclosures, auctions, lease options, land contracts, mobile home parks, self-storage facilities, rental apartments, office, retail, industrial, tax liens, loan modifications, credit repair and commercial real estate. Jason Hartman is CEO of Platinum Properties Investor Network based in Costa Mesa, California is a self-made multi-millionaire with over 20 years of financial experience. He currently owns properties in eleven states. Subscribe now for free to learn how to follow in Jason's footsteps for a more abundant life.
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