Chicken 'n Waffles is a food podcast featuring Leena from So what the heck is Chicken 'n Waffles all about? Food, culture, and everything in between, depending on how you look at it. Each episode will be packed with deep fried newsbits from around the world, and any of the following segments: interviews with important people from the world of food, conversations about the latest food fads and gastronomical topics, food and wine reviews and technology and a few food history game shows, just for giggles. Food is life, food is funny, food is people, and there is no reason why we don't talk about it more, darn it.
Why "Chicken 'n Waffles"? Because no single podcast will only feature one single opinion on the world of food. Each episode promises to introduce you to a wide range of guest hosts from around the world (but mainly from Chicago and Australia), at all times allowing at least two or more opinions (a little bit of chicken, a little bit of waffles) on every issue. Sometimes we'll agree, sometimes we might throw things at each other, but we always eat together. And isn't that what is most important? Well, that, and ensuring whatever you throw is a hard, solid object that might do some damage. But I digress.