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Infamy - A free audiobook by Squid Varilekova

Infamy - A free audiobook by Squid Varilekova

In this podiobook: Infamy is a difficult thing to live with. It removes privacy, infects every aspect of daily life, and even causes the people it encounters casually to run and hide. Very few know how to deal with it well, but others can make the infamous lifestyle an art form.Join a university professor as he overcomes a slight brush with infamy, grabs life by the horns, and takes charge of his once fearful existence. Join a successful executive as he regains a life lost to an infamous woman. And join a graduate student researching the length and breadth of what infamy can do to a soul. This is a story of three men grappling with the ingloriousness of human existence. Throw in a little adventure, stir up a little romance, and add a mythical trip to the afterlife, and you will have "Infamy," the first podiobook by Squid Varilekova. Plug in your headphones, download a few tracks, and explore your own infamous lifestyle. Infamy is waiting for you.
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