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Abundant Life Sermons

Abundant Life Sermons

These are the archived recordings of Sunday sermons at Abundant Life Assembly of God in Cupertino, California (just a few blocks from Apple's headquarters). We hope you will find them as entertaining, amusing and educational as we do. Speakers are always talking about God, but often the subject matter doubles as a fun-filled guide on how to live a peaceful fulfilling life in a busy world.

If you're already attending Abundant Life, these sermons are here for you to relive favorite moments (yes, people actually enjoy services here so much that they want to hear the sermons again... and again) and pick up on lessons you may have missed the first time through.

If you're not a part of the Abundant Life family, these sermons are here for you to enjoy and find out what it's like on the inside. And if you're in the area, we hope you'll stop by to hear the next sermon live -- and find out what the church, and Jesus, have to offer. You'll be pleasantly surprised.

Abundant Life Assembly of God is a Bible-believing church that emphasizes the value of saving grace, spiritual growth, sharing community, God-given spiritual gifts, and stewardship of our time, talents and treasures.

For more information, visit

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