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This weekly podcast gets into the nuts and bolts of the current financial crisis: record joblessness / unemployment, record homelessness / foreclosures vis-a-vis economic policy decisions by the Obama Administration. The podcast analyses the bailouts / stimulus, Fed's decision to load up its balance sheet with toxic mortgage backed securities and derivatives there of, etc. Are all bankers greedy Friedmenites, power and status hungry parasites, double-speaking hypocrites, free-riding Goldmenites, and "toxy-morons?" How about the leaders of the Obama Economic Brain Trust, as in Dr. Summers and Mr. Geithner? Subscribe / listen to the podcast to find out...
Franconomics Weekly Economic Roundup
Hear what's coming up that day on Wall Street plus money stories that impact us all. What are we buying? How much are we spending? MarketWatch reporters join John Wordock to answer these questions.
Money, Markets & More
It can be the little things that make a difference in your financial health. Jennifer Kushinka offers tips to stretch your hard-earned dollars.
Watching Your Wallet
The Design Council are the national strategic body for design. We believe design can help people to do what they do, better. We're funded by the UK government, and we promote the use of design throughout the UK's businesses and public services. We demonstrate that design can play a vital role in strengthening our economy and improving our society.
Design Council
Brian Preston, CPA, CFP®, PFS: Going "beyond common sense", Brian's blog and podcast bring you the tools and information you need to restore order to your personal financial chaos. By day, Brian is a fee-only Certified Financial Planner and wealth manager at Preston & Cleveland in Atlanta, GA. As a hobby, he also blogs and podcasts at
Brian Preston's "Money Guy" Blog and Podcast
Get the latest analysis from Mark Hulbert, the editor of the Hulbert Financial Digest. Think you know what’s happening on Wall Street? Think again. Hear insights that often challenge conventional wisdom.
Hulbert Financial Files
The Norris Group Real Estate Radio Show is hosted by author, California real estate trainer and investor, and hard money lender, Bruce Norris. Our show focuses on California real estate trends and the current market correction, how to survive, and how to profit by as an investor, builder, Realtor, and mortgage professional. The strategies you used yesterday in a boom are useless in a bust. We're equipping California real estate professionals for tomorrow's challenges. Guests include Peter Schiff from Euro Pacific Capital, Leslie Appleton-Young with C.A.R., Frank Nothalft with Freddie Mac, Mike Ferry, Christopher Thornberg, Gary Watts, John Burns, and many more.
The Norris Group Real Estate Radio Show
McAlvany Weekly Commentary » PodCasts
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The McAlvany Weekly Commentary provides investors with valuable monetary, economic, geo-political and financial information that cannot be found on Wall Street. With economic expert and host David McAlvany, you will be given a solid strategy of wealth preservation for your financial and retirement assets while living in an unstable economy.
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The McAlvany Weekly Commentary provides investors with valuable monetary, economic, geo-political and financial information that cannot be found on Wall Street. With economic expert and host David McAlvany, you will be given a solid strategy of wealth preservation for your financial and retirement assets while living in an unstable economy.
McAlvany Weekly Commentary » PodCasts
A tour through the best and most important bits of Japanese history. Visit my site at for more.
A Short History of Japan
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