Will Roberts is a top featured act with Cirque du Soleil and Viva Elvis on the strip in Las Vegas
YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/WillRogersUSA?feature=mhee
Will Roberts is the country's preeminent Will Rogers Tribute Artist, and now adds 70+ news websites that he produces a daily cartoon called "Will Says..." all on days events, social commentary, Political humor, everyday.
MY FREE APP: http://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/will-rogers/id429226625?mt=8
My Humor Downloads:
"All I ever know is what I read in the newspaper" was not only a famous Rogers quote but also the honest truth. Rogers scoured any and all newsprint he could get his hands on...which made for some incredible viewpoints.
Roberts has updated that quote, "All I ever knew I read on the Internet". With millions of news events being sent to the web, Roberts is sure to never run out of things to say.
Currently, Roberts is in syndication on International.to & BaretNews.com reaching 5,000.000 readers a day.
Follow on Twitter: www.Twitter.com/WillRogersUSA
& www.Twitter.com/TweetTheStreets
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/HumoristWRUSA?ref=ts