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The Brass Ovary Psychic Radio Show | Blog Talk Radio Feed

The Brass Ovary Psychic Radio Show | Blog Talk Radio Feed
Got spiritual guts? Perhaps 2012 is not so much about "the end" as much as it is the bold proof that oil spills, dying wild life and financial upheaval are beyond political agenda and a fact of life. Proof is always the best teacher isn't it? As Scientists embrace the concept that "other dimensions" truly do exist, ...{Proof}... spirit, religions and consciousness "dare to share" with each other. With our eyes wide open 2012 may prove we either care for our earth or sink in tar and lies. Proof ends the political talk and makes us walk the walk. So that we too walk the talk, and embrace fresh change, we say farewell to our 3 year Blog Talk show as we follow where the Universe takes us. We won't forget the friends we have made here, and the valuable lessons on radio hosting we learned through Blog Talk. We say goodbye now, embrace our brass ovaries and forge new audio territory of the next level. Blessings and be well, Adrienne and Annie {The Brass Ovary Sisterhood]
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