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There is new opportunity at the intersection of technology and beauty but it comes with a price. Not just the costs of cosmetic surgery and non-invasive dermatology procedures and injectables but the costs of changing forever our natural beauty.
Teri Hausman, biomedical investor, beauty aficionado, wife of a plastic surgeon and typical woman who wants to stay ageless interviews leading plastic surgeons about the newest procedures in the market today. Teri also talks to the founders of companies behind new anti-aging products and technologies.
Get advice from experts on anti-aging and longevity, fitness, nutrition, cosmetic surgery, hormone therapies, laser and chemical procedures, cosmeceuticals and more.
Beauty Now: The Intersection of Cosmetic Surgery, Longevity & Bio-Medical Innovation
Personal Life Media
The Entrepreneurial MD Podcast offers "Conversations with Trailblazers" - interviews with successful physician entrepreneurs, and "Insights from the Professionals" - interviews with professionals who support physicians in business and have business wisdom to share.
The Entrepreneurial MD Podcast
When you want to get it done, the Get-It-Done Guy provides short, friendly tips to help you work less and do more. Forget about the things you weren't getting done before -- your productivity will increase along with your happiness.
Get-It-Done Guy's Quick and Dirty Tips to Work Less and Do More
A bi-weekly program for people who want greater balance, direction and fulfillment in their life, career and relationships. Hosted by business and personal coach Scott Graham. Get your bearings and get going!®
Jusqu'ici, seuls les privilégiés et ceux qui l'écoutent sur les radios locales avaient l'occasion d'entendre son accent du Sud-Ouest qui a le pouvoir de nous mettre immédiatement de bonne humeur. Sur ce podcast, le druide se déchaîne.
Interrogé par l'animatrice Geneviève Bonnard, il parle des vertus de la Gelée Royale, des bains de mains et des bains de pieds, du bigaradier pour lequel le phytothérapeute a un petit faible. En résumé, et durant un peu plus de trente minutes, de la fatigue sous toutes ses formes. En prime, il nous indique encore les bonnes pistes pour résoudre nos problèmes de fatigue. Le tout sur une musique originale de Michel Pépé, un autre ténor du bien-être. Ce Podcast est extrait du CD Le Jardin de Jacky Défatiguez-moi disponible à la vente dans notre boutique.
Le Jardin de Jacky, le Podcast de Jean-Jacques Descamps
Positive psychology making things a bit brighter at Monash Uni.
Monash Positive Psychology Podcast
A few Philadelphia-area friends that get together to taste test vegan foods. Each episode focuses on one specific food category. We compare between brands.
Vegan Review Podcast
George Vithoulkas is Professor of Homeopathic Medicine who was honored with the Right Livelihood Award (also known as Alternative Nobel Prize) for the training of homeopaths with the highest standards. In 1995, he established the INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY OF CLASSICAL HOMEOPATHY in Alonissos, Greece, in which, approximately, 5.500 homeopaths from 32 countries have been trained. You can be informed about George Vithoulkas' lectures, books, articles etc. in and
Classical Homeopathy - George Vithoulkas
The Pharmacy Technology Resource offers a best in class technology consortium and consulting dedicated to the needs of the independent retail, regional chain, closed door-long term care or hospital pharmacy.
Pharmacy Technology Resource Podacst
This podcast contains the NicheStreet Pro (Formerly TelaBiz) pre-launch conference calls. The opportunity for membership and significant earnings is revealed and discussed in detail. Events unfold over the course of a few months, leading up to the official launch which is planned for September 2008. The new merger with Great Health Works and the addition of the Omega XL pain relieving anti-inflammatory product is announced on the historic "Featured" 8-7-08 recording. Call 214-615-6044, Ext. 1283# with your questions or comments. My Podcast Alley feed! {pca-5f095e9870f4adf0b431e54ffedfe30d} My Odeo Channel (odeo/e88983b1141a90fc) My Odeo Channel (odeo/e88983b1141a90fc)
Niche Street Site Design SEO Podcast
Hilarious weekly round table of the craziest voices in queer podcasting offering up their uniquely delicious spin on sex, politics, religion, gay rights, and more.
Eat This Hot Show
Mike Lipkin is a Toronto-based speaker, author, motivator and persuasion coach who has worked in twenty-two countries with over 1,000,000 people. He is also the President of Environics/Lipkin, the specialist motivation and persuasion company in the Environics Research Group, one of Canada's largest and most sophisticated research houses.
Born in the UK and raised in South Africa, Mike immigrated to Toronto in 1987. By combining Environics' Social Values Research with his personal expertise and experience, he provides people with the confidence and insights to connect with others at the deepest level. Mike makes the complex simple. He helps people "get it" immediately.
In these episodes of On Fire Radio, Mike provides the insights that excite people to expand their capacity to produce remarkable results. He provides his listeners with the calls-to-action that will help them to play big, and that will allow them to reach a whole new level.
Mike Lipkin's Podcast, World-Renowned Motivator and Communicator
Podcast Highlights: Amanda Ripley discusses the thought process that people encounter during a disaster. Ripley talks about some counterproductive things that occur in human cognition during a disaster and she discusses the effectiveness of preparedness and its effect on human reaction during extreme situations. Also, she discusses the surprising, yet common characteristics of human behavior that are more helpful than expected. Get the details by listening to this podcast.
Get Ready Report
Join our fun, animated host as she takes you on a journey through today's perplexing nutrition topics, ranging from fad diets and sugar substitutes to phytochemicals and omega-3 fatty acids. Using a scientific, evidence-based approach to nutrition, Nutritionally Speaking dispels myths and enables listeners to better understand nutrition issues, make healthy choices, and feel good.
Nutritionally Speaking
Your financial future may depend as much on your personality as it does on your portfolio. That's the idea behind a growing trend in the financial planning industry.
These podcasts will give you an introduction and graphic demonstrations of how this can be put into practice.
Financial DNA - Discovering Your Unique Financial Personality for a Quality Life
NPR (National Public Radio) is an internationally acclaimed producer and distributor of noncommercial news, talk, and entertainment programming. A privately supported, not-for-profit membership organization, NPR serves a growing audience of 27.5 million Americans each week in partnership with more than 860 independently operated, noncommercial public radio stations.
HowStuffWorks explains thousands of topics, from engines to lock-picking to ESP, with video and illustrations so you can learn how everything works.
HowStuffWorks - Learn How Everything Works!
Munchcast is a weekly netcast that highlights and celebrates junk food. Enjoy mouthwatering new episodes at Your guides on this fattening but delicious jaunt are Cammy Blackstone and Leo Laporte.
Cammy Blackstone and Leo Laporte
Contemporary drama in a rural setting from the world's longest running radio soap opera.
BBC Radio 4
American Public Media, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, is the largest owner and operator of public radio stations and a premier producer and distributor of public radio programming in the nation. It is also the largest producer and distributor of classical music programming in the United States.
American Public Media
Home | American Public Media
WNYC 93.9 FM and AM 820 are New York's flagship public radio stations, broadcasting the finest programs from National Public Radio and Public Radio International, as well as a wide range of award-winning local programming.
Public Radio International/WNYC brings you images, videos and interactive features from the unique perspective of America’s space agency. Get the latest updates on NASA missions, subscribe to blogs, RSS feeds and podcasts, watch NASA TV live, or simply read about our mission to pioneer the future in space exploration, scientific discovery and aeronautics research.
NASA's Spitzer Science Center and Infrared Processing and Analysis Center
J.C. Hutchins is an award-winning fiction and nonfiction storyteller, with 15 years of professional writing experience. His two novels – 7th Son: Descent and Personal Effects: Dark Art — were published in 2009 by St. Martin’s Press.
J.C. Hutchins
Arts, culture and city life from WNYC, New York Public Radio, 93.9 FM, 820 AM.
WNYC Culture
Latest news and features on science issues that matter including earth, environment, and space. Get your science news from the most trusted source!
Scientific American
Science News, Articles and Information | Scientific American
Through our innovative, award-winning magazines, books, online training, live seminars, and conferences, we have created a variety of solutions that truly enable designers, photographers, artists, and corporate communicators to enhance their careers, build upon their knowledge, and move their skills to the next level.
Kelby Media Group
Kelby TV
Next time the show will revolve around Rouge’s Double Dead Guy Ale, so scrape up some for drinking along if you can find it. And if you happen to be a fan of horror fiction, especially of the podcasted variety, crack open/download your favorite novel or short story and get reading/listening.
Charlie the Beer Guy
Wellness Break Radio
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Take a break for Wellness. Feel your best as we walk through what your body needs for optimal wellness through the perspective of a beginner, intermediate, and expert. Join Erik, Nick and Rob as they discuss topics on how to take a break from the hype of fad diets and commercialism in health, and take a break to think and act on achieving your optimal wellness.
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Featured in Natural Sciences
This feed contains special items and features produced by the Naked Scientists team including coverage of the Cambridge Science Festival, the BA
Festival of Science and the AAAS Conference
Naked Scientists Special Editions
Ciencia y TecnologÃa, cosas de todos los dÃas.
Ciencia y TecnologÃa; cosas de todos los dÃas
Science facts, news, creature features, and songs. This podcast #75 salutes Economics. Includes the song Economics Breakdown. By the Singing Science Teacher. Approx. 13 min. All ages.
Science On The Wild Side Podcast
From choosing the best bed for sex to selecting the perfect lubricant or sex toy for each occasion, physics is vital for optimizing your love life. Find out how the physics of sex can help make your sexual experiences better.
The Physics Of Sex: Where Science and Intimacy Collide
Nontoxic Living is a weekly podcast about indoor environmental health- your guide to a healthier house and a less-toxic life. Hosted by Randy and Kathy Davidson of BioWise
Nontoxic Living
It really is all true! Stories about stuff that you never needed to know, but your life would be incomplete without. They serve no real purpose other than to entertain. If you're the curious type and have a few minutes to spare, then spend some of it each week listening to this ever-growing collection of stories. Great for those that are looking for a little bit of trivia in their lives.
Useless Information Podcast
This Podcast is produced for Unit 3/4 Biology students More information is available at
Douchy's Biology Podcast
Guy In A Tie ( a rock and roll, Indie, alternative, powerpop, metal show while Helping Kids With School & Life. Brought to you by a friendly science teacher, "A Guy In A Tie" doing the guy-in-a-tie thing! Skyline High
Guy In A Tie Podcast (
Ciencia y TecnologÃa, cosas de todos los dÃas.
Ciencia y TecnologÃa; cosas de todos los dÃas
Searching for life as we don't know it begins with
understanding life as we do. From amoebas to zebras, from androids to
antimatter, Are We Alone? explores the science that makes life possible.
Find out, how to extract DNA from a banana, what size wrench you need to
build a time machine, and whether dark energy can be bottled (yes). Also,
separate the science from pseudoscience during our monthly feature on
critical thinking. Are We Alone? - science radio for thinking species on
any world
Are We Alone? - Science Radio for Thinking Species
This feed contains special items and features produced by the Naked Scientists team including coverage of the Cambridge Science Festival, the BA
Festival of Science and the AAAS Conference
Naked Scientists Special Editions
The 6th World Conference of Science Journalists 2009 (WCSJ2009) brings established and aspiring reporters,
writers and science communicators from around the world to debate, network, develop their professional skills and report the
latest advances in science and technology.
WCSJ - 6th World Conference of Science Journalists 2009, from the Naked Scientists
Science facts, news, creature features, and songs. This podcast #75 salutes Economics. Includes the song Economics Breakdown. By the Singing Science Teacher. Approx. 13 min. All ages.
Science On The Wild Side Podcast
The Timber Press gardening podcast highlights conversations with experts and authorities in the gardening world and beyond, from design to sustainability, edible to ornamental.
Timber Press gardening podcast
The latest news about invasive species from around the world, as reported at the Invasive Species Weblog.
Invasive Species Weblog Podcast
Daily News and Current Events in Light of the Truths of Bible Prophecy
The Natural Contemplative explores our essential nature, as revealed through contemplative practice and immersion in the natural world. John L Crockett is an educator and musician who has worked with The Blue Ocean Society for Marine Conservation, the Whale Conservation Institute/Ocean Alliance, and the Massachusetts Audubon Society. He has been studying whales for ten years, and practicing and writing about meditation for more than 25 years.
The Natural Contemplative
Hosted by Stuart Gary, StarStuff takes us on a weekly journey across the universe to see the death of stars and the birth of new worlds. StarStuff's tour of the cosmos examines those ultimate questions: where do we come from?; and are we alone? From Einstein's relativity theory to quantum mechanics, StarStuff reports on the latest news and discoveries in science, with a special focus on astronomy, space sciences and cosmology.
StarStuff with Stuart Gary
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