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Shalom Hartman Institute Podcast provides lectures, seminars and presentations by leading scholars of the Jewish world.
Shalom Hartman Institute Podcast
Beyond The Pale explores cutting edge Jewish culture and offers local, national, and international political debate and analysis from a Jewish perspective. Sundays, noon to 1 p.m., on WBAI/New York, 99.5 FM; podcast updated weekly.
Beyond the Pale
As a young Jewish teenage boy, Henry Oertelt lived with his mother and brother in Berlin, Germany as the storm clouds of Hitler’s Nazi hatred, discrimination and violence toward Jews grew darker. Henry avoided arrest by the Gestapo until 1943, when at age 22 he began his amazing saga of surviving five Nazi concentration camps. His story of the 18 cliff-hanging events which led to his Nazi death camp survival is told in his book, An Unbroken Chain.
In a world premiere podcast here at KVSC, Dr. Oertelt tells his astounding story of survival, human dignity and perseverance.
Dr. Oertelt has a long history of involvement with SCSU, and with Holocaust remembrance activities. He is the recipient of many honors, among them an Honorary Doctorate from SCSU in 2006, and an Honorary Doctorate from Southwest State University in Marshall in 2007.
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Online learning opportunities for adult Jews of all denominations
The Foundation for Jewish Studies
Rabbi Zvi Aviner takes you step by step, up the ladder of Noah’s Seven Commandments, which is the moral fabric of civilization. The classes are on IDOLATRY, ADULTERY, BLOODSHED, THEFT, INJUSTICE, BLASPEHMY and MERCY (the Prohibition to eat BLOOD and a Limb from a Living Animal.)
The stories and concepts are drawn from thousands-years old Jewish literature, like the Midrash, Talmud, commentators and Kabbalah. More importantly, the material is anchored in Jewish customs, prayers and liturgy; some dated to the Holy Temple of Jerusalem.
Here you’ll discover the origin of ideas that have shaped our world, like the coming Reign of Mercy, the Heavenly Kingdom and the Eternal Sabbath. Whether you’re a Christian, a Muslim or a Jew, you’ll find these classes illuminating and inspiring.
Noah is the father of all Mankind. Hence his teaching is the roots of all faiths. Noah, by the very meaning of his Hebrew name, is a pleasant and accommodative teacher. His wife’s name, Naama, means the same. Learn about both of them, about their falling in love, and about their fascinating families and treacherous times. You’ll find that nothing is new under the Sun, and that we are still facing a similar moral discourse.
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Only through the Torah do we find the true power of transformation of our souls. This is the definition of healing--transformation of our souls. It is from the soul that it translates into the physical. Discover this trans formative power for your soul in the depths of the layers of Torah.
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Born and raised in New York City, David Sacks attended Harvard College, graduating with a degree in Government in 1984. While there he began his comedy writing career as an editor of the school's humor magazine, The Harvard Lampoon. Upon graduating, David moved to Los Angeles and began writing for television.
Among the shows he has worked for are The Simpsons, where he won an Emmy Award, and Third Rock from the Sun for which he won a Golden Globe Award and Malcolm in the Middle. David is the co-founder and Senior Lecturer of The Happy Minyan of Los Angeles. David is married and raises his family in Beverly Hills, CA.
Spiritual Tools for an Outrageous World
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In this series of podcasts sponsored by the National Pest Management Association, pest management experts Greg Baumann and Cindy Mannes from NPMA will discuss common household pests, like bedbugs, ants, termites, pantry pests, and the kinds of pests you can expect to see during spring and summer activities -- and how you can take steps to prevent these pests from becoming a nuisance in your home. More information is at NPMA's website, The National Pest Management Association is a non-profit organization, whose mission includes consumer education on issues related to pests and the potential threats they may pose to public health and property. Celebrating its 75th year in 2008, the National Pest Management Association remains committed to the protection of public health, food and property.
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Paul Cohen; Messianic Bible Teacher
Messianic Bible Teacher; Paul Cohen
Before the existence of modern medicine, hundreds of years ago Christ gave instruction that the flesh of beasts should not be eaten by mankind. Before the first cases of meat-related parasitic illnesses, heart disease, clogged arteries and high cholesterol it was written in the Gospel of Peace and the Gospel of the Holy Twelve that whoso eats the flesh of slain beasts, eats the body of death. Get the audio book for TGOP at and get your copy of the book at, Barnes and Nobles and your neighborhood bookstores.
The Gospel of Peace instructed by Christ teaches mankind how to obtain to the higher humanity in ones' body, mind and spirit creating harmony between the three resulting, in an eternal peace and wisdom within that illuminates the heart and teaches everything that you ever wanted to know about God, Mother Earth, The Holy Angels of Heaven, The Holy Angels of Earth plus much more. Also visit our Youtube Channel at
Ancient Word Series: The Gospel of Peace Podcast
A Messianic Synagogue consisting of Jews and gentiles that express their faith in Yeshua the Messiah in a traditional Jewish way.
Rabbi David Hall
3616 Far West Blvd.
Austin, Texas 78731
Zion Messianic Congregation
Every moment is another chance to meet the divine. Featuring Jewish meditation talks, practice instructions and contemplative Jewish chants, is dedicated to promoting Jewish contemplative techniques which create more peace, compassion and clear seeing.
When was the last time you stopped and noticed silence?
Awakened Heart Project for Jewish Meditation and Contemplative Judaism
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