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Contemporary drama in a rural setting from the world's longest running radio soap opera.
BBC Radio 4
Our mission is simple. We want to promote the use of audio and video educational material for personal and professional development. What does this mean? It means that we want to help you to see how you can turn 'dead time' (time spent commuting, exercising, doing chores, etc.) into 'learning time.'
Audio Books, Podcasts, Videos, and Free Downloads to Learn From
Arts, culture and city life from WNYC, New York Public Radio, 93.9 FM, 820 AM.
WNYC Culture
Pixel Corps
Deutsche Welle is Germany’s international broadcaster that produces television, radio and online content in 30 languages. It provides a European perspective to its global audience and promotes intercultural dialogue.
DW-WORLD.DE | Deutsche Welle
Schweizer Radio: Radio der deutschen und rätoromanischen Schweiz (SR DRS)
Schweizer Radio DRS es una idea del físico y divulgador científico Ángel Rodríguez Lozano para llegar a todo aquel que sienta inquietud por el estudio de la Naturaleza y las leyes que la gobiernan. Los últimos avances de la investigación científica, los retos de la tecnología, la historia de la ciencia tienen cabida en este espacio, explicados de forma amena y rigurosa. | Podcasts de Ciencia
The purpose of CLIR’s Digital Library Federation program is to build and support a robust, engaged community whose members share a vested interest in advancing digital libraries. To this end, DLF serves as a resource and catalyst for collaboration among digital library developers, project managers, and all who are invested in digital library issues.
The Research Triangle Park is home to more than 170 global companies, including IBM, GSK, Syngenta, RTI International, Credit Suisse, and Cisco, that foster a culture of scientific advancement and competitive excellence.
Tampa Bay's NPR station and your source for great public broadcasting on the radio, TV and online.
WUSF Public Media | Tampa, St. Petersburg & Sarasota
Vorläufer von Funkhaus Europa waren die so genannten „Gastarbeiterprogramme“, mit denen der WDR und andere Rundfunkanstalten der ARD seit 1961 der wachsenden Zahl von ausländischen Arbeitnehmern in Deutschland gerecht werden wollten.
Funkhaus Europa
SR 2 KulturRadio est le deuxième programme de la Saarländischer Rundfunk. Il s’agit d’une radio à vocation culturelle. Sa devise est "...gut zu hören".
SR 2 Kulturradio
SR-online: Startseite
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A hobby shenanigans podcast by a Jane of all trades: knitting, sewing, costumes, doll collecting, action figures, entertainment, and much, much more.
Alyrenee's Copious Spare Time
Poul Henningsen dengang og nu - lysmageren i nyt lys. Kulturkritikeren og multikunstneren Poul Henningsen figurerer
stadig livligt i debatten, men ofte som skræmmebillede på en udefineret
’kulturradikalisme’. Han er en mand alle har meninger om,
tit på tredje hånd, hans ideer er delvis skjult af fordomme og uvidenhed,
men der er også reel uenighed om ham. Dette seminar vil
diskutere åbent og kritisk hvad han står for, og hvilken indflydelse
han har haft på dansk livsform og bevidsthed.
Seminaret vil over 12 torsdage bringe fagfolk i debat med hinanden
og med publikum for at afklare PH’s indsats og betydning. De
indkaldte kendere kommer fra historie, kunst-, teater-, arkitekturog
designhistorie, litteratur-, sprog-, film- og medievidenskab,
kvindeforskning, jura, teologi, medicin samt fra medierne og det
politiske liv. De enkelte torsdage vil behandle PH’s idéhistoriske
placering, PH som kritiker og lyriker, hans forhold til lys, arkitektur,
byplanlægning og naturfredning, til revy og jazz, slaget om
Danmarksfilmen 1935, hans kultur-, radio-, tv-kritik, hans forhold
til retsopgør og flygtningedebat 1945-47, til seksualitet, kropskultur
og kvindesag, til arbejderbevægelse, kommunisme og konservatisme,
til reklame og forbrugerkritik. Ved tre arrangementer er
indlagt sang og musik fra PH’s repertoire, og vi slutter med en paneldiskussion
om PH, folkelighed, frisind og arven fra ham, med
repræsentanter for flere kulturpolitiske positioner.
I lighed med de tidligere forelæsningsrækker Den kulturradikale
udfordring (2000) og Det stadig moderne gennembrud (2002) er
seminaret lagt som gå-hjem-arrangementer på et tidspunkt og på
en central adresse der skulle være bekvem for mange. Der er fri
adgang for alle – så længe der er plads.
PH - dengang og nu -AUDIO PODCAST-
Københavns Universitet
Each year, the TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) conference hosts some of the world's most fascinating people: Trusted voices and convention-breaking mavericks, icons and geniuses. These podcasts (also available in audio format) capture the most extraordinary presentations delivered from the TED stage.
TEDTalks (audio)
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Lectures for a Survey of British Literature from the Romantics to the Moderns. ENG 264 is an online course offered during Mercer University's summer sessions.
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The podcast where we talk about all things Chesterton, which includes everything, and everything else. Learn more about Chesterton, his life, his books, his way of thinking.
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A short story by F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896-1940) Here is a somewhat obscure tale titled "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" —obscure of course, until Mr. Button was conflated with Mr. Pitt. — This recording is the complete, original story as penned by Fitzgerald in the early 1920s. It was published originally in Colliers and finally collected in his popular Tales of the Jazz Age. One might call Benjamin Button an odd addition to the collection, as he was born in 1860, the year prior to Lincoln gaining his Presidency —a long way from the Jazz Age, which marked its begiining when Benjamin was 60... and he was... well, you'll have to listen to the REAL story to find out what happened before Hollywood stepped in...
The story is prefaced by Fitzgerald's brief humorous comment hidden away in the book's table of contents. Here he establishes both the tale's humor and its pathos and in a further sense, grounds it in our growing tradition of American literary sensibilities, echoing towards Mr. Clemens.
The musical accompaniment is from a public domain recording of L. Beethoven’s Cello Sonata in A, Opus 69, the fourth movement, as performed by John Michel. The piano is unattributed.
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button by F. Scott Fitzgerald
Public domain poetry from LibriVox volunteers reading and recording all over the planet. All Librivox recordings are in the public domain. Many hundreds of free recordings of classic poetry are available at Many more to come in this regular podcast. (Click on the "Name" column heading to sort poems by the authors' names.)
The LibriVox Poetry Podcast [Unabridged]
The Common Hour aims to provide an occasion for faculty, students, and staff to absent themselves from daily concerns, gather in common spaces, and engage in the ideas of speakers and the presentations of artists, and with each other in discussion of shared interests and concerns. This podcast features highlights of the Common Hour series at Bowdoin College.
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The Creative Writing Podcast at is designed to help writers of all levels. The focus is on characterization, narrative, plot development, dialogue, conflict, setting, literary archetypes, etc. Episodes are not centered around mindless, useless pep talks and recycled writing tips. Rather, the Podcast at offers in-depth analysis of what works and what doesn't, with explanations and original writing samples. Subscribe and visit for more information. -- Creative Writing Podcast
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'Dichter und Denker in Freiburg' ist eine fächerübergreifende Ringvorlesung zum 550. Jubiläum der Universität. Veranstalter sind das Deutsche und das Historische Seminar in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Studium Generale.
Die Ringvorlesung soll einen Überblick bieten über die Gelehrten- und Literaturgeschichte Freiburgs vom Mittelalter bis in die Gegenwart. Bedeutende Gelehrte und Dichter, die in Freiburg wirkten, werden in Einzelporträts vorgestellt, die jeweils stadt-, universitäts- und kulturgeschichtlich perspektiviert werden.
Eine Ausstellung (26.10.2006. bis 8.2.2007) in der Universitätsbibliothek begleitet die Ringvorlesung, an der sich Kolleginnen und Kollegen der Philologischen, Philosophischen und Theologischen Fakultät beteiligen.
Hörer aller Fakultäten und interessierte Bürger Freiburgs sind willkommen. Die Ringvorlesung findet statt vom 2.11.2006 bis 15.2.2007 jeweils Donnerstags von 18-19 Uhr im Kollegiengebäude I, Hörsaal 1199.
Der Audio-Podcast wird von der Universitätsbibliothek Freiburg produziert. Die letzte Episode des Podcasts erscheint am 20.2.2007.
Redner waren: Prof. Dr. Dieter Mertens, Prof. Dr. Thomas Zotz, Prof. Dr. Hans-Jochen Schiewer, Prof. Dr. Dieter Mertens, Prof. Dr. Heribert Smolinsky, Prof. Dr. Peter Walter, Prof. Dr. Paul Gerhard Schmidt, Prof. Dr. Achim Aurnhammer, Prof. Dr. Hans Fenske, Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz Braun, Prof. Dr. Ernst Schulin, Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Volker Schupp, Prof. Dr. Sabina Becker, Prof. Dr. Günter Figal, Prof. Dr. Uwe Pörksen
Ringvorlesung 'Dichter und Denker in Freiburg'
Universitätsbibliothek Freiburg
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