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A village boy working as a traditional healer's apprentice is determined to become a medical doctor. His greatest obstacle is his father, who is intent on ensuring the young man continues the family business of being a traditional healer.
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“Estrella News” es el único canal de noticias digital 24/7 en español que ofrece las noticias más relevantes para la comunidad hispana. La cobertura incluye noticias locales, nacionales, de entretenimiento, y deportes con el mejor equipo periodístico.
Conducido por Mirthala Salinas, "Noticiero EstrellaTV" es el primer noticiero nacional que informa a los latinos de los EE. UU. sobre las últimas noticias nacionales e internacionales.
Noticiero Estrella TV
Un programa de noticias matutinas en vivo, de dos horas, que ofrece noticias informativas a un ritmo dinámico y presentadas de una manera ligera y optimista, incluyen: noticias de última hora, series especiales, clima, deportes y cobertura local.
En la Mañana
Con un equipo de periodistas profesionales en los Estados Unidos y América Latina, este es el único programa de noticias en horario estelar en español y, como tal, es el primero en presentar los problemas críticos que afectan a la comunidad.
Noticiero Cierre de Edición
Akin and Mary bump into each other at an airport and mistakenly swap their identical phones. This leads to a destination mix up after they receive texts about changes to their travel plans. Akin goes to where Mary is supposed to go and vice- versa.
Phone Swap
A twisted tale of success, death and ghosts as two unemployed graduates overwhelmed with the urgency to succeed will do anything to make the odds work in their favor.
A Sting in a Tale
Un escuadrón de cazadores de serpientes de élite patrulla uno de los entornos más bellos y mortales del planeta. Con misiones llenas de acción y de adrenalina, observa al equipo en sus intentos por salvar.
Cazadores de Pitones
Derren Brown returns with his latest show “The Experiments”. Derren Brown illustrates how easily our behaviour can be manipulated and how a simple question can turn into a life changing experience!
Derren Brown: The Experiments
We visit Jamaica’s barefoot Rastafarian dub poet, Mutabaruka.
Mutabaruka: Say It Like It Is!
Sizzling, relaxing, visual vacation.
Summer Fun
The only escape from the past…is forgiveness. A young woman is forced to face her childhood demons. When tasked with returning home to care for her ailing and abusive father.
Where Children Play
Love, power and the pursuit of material wealth can drive a man to sacrifice his soul. The Herd, a new drama with an enigmatic supernatural storyline, will explore the extent to which people will go to obtain their heart’s desires.
The Herd
Rovieno’s father asks her to take music lessons, in hopes that she will enjoy it and stop partying all the time. She rebels believing her world will come to an end, but in music she finds more than she ever imagines.
When 10-year old Coop’s spoiled little sister Millie brings home a mysterious stray cat his idyllic life is turned upside-down. It turns out that this is no cat at all, but rather a malevolent space alien who just happens to look like a cat.
Kid vs. Kat
Biologist Thom Hunt goes in search of people with genuine, real-life superpowers that push the known limits of the human mind and body.
Extraordinary Humans
Una serie que muestra la odisea de Rodrigo Jarpa, un sexólogo notable y carismático que, junto con Nathalie Nicloux, comediante y actriz, viaja por el mundo para descubrir nuevas formas de vivir y practicar la sexualidad.
La cultura del sexo
A pedestrian has been involved in a high speed hit-and-run. He is going to die. Assisted by Mark, the driver and Sabina, the victim’s wife, Zach, a rookie paramedic, must keep him alive as they drive around to find an hospital for admission for 18 hours…
18 Hours
“Estrella News” es el único canal de noticias digital 24/7 en español que ofrece las noticias más relevantes para la comunidad hispana. La cobertura incluye noticias locales, nacionales, de entretenimiento, y deportes con el mejor equipo periodístico.
Dallas Local Update
In this fun, fast-paced cooking series, three hip, young chefs feature ingredients from a different letter of the alphabet in each episode plus a creative mash-up dish as the final act.
A is for Apple
Young and seasoned African artists perform their hits “unplugged” and share their personal stories of challenges and successes in the music industry.
Africa Soundstage
Oan test series
OAN Series
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