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Deutsche Welle is Germany’s international broadcaster that produces television, radio and online content in 30 languages. It provides a European perspective to its global audience and promotes intercultural dialogue.
DW-WORLD.DE | Deutsche Welle bietet die wichtigsten Nachrichten aus und für NRW multimedial aufbereitet,begleitende Informationen zu Fernseh-Sendungen und Radio-Programmen sowie zahlreiche Audios und Videos auf Abruf. ist das Online-Angebot des Westdeutschen Rundfunks.
Westdeutscher Rundfunk
Hier hören Sie jederzeit das aktuelle Programm von NDR Kultur
NDR Kultur
In the financial sector, UBS Wealth Management Research (WMR) is one of the world’s leading research organizations.
WMR financial analysts identify investment opportunities and risks and show how you as a private client can make use of opportunities and avoid unnecessary risks.
UBS Wealth Management Research
Press TV takes revolutionary steps as the first Iranian international news network, broadcasting in English on a round-the-clock basis.
Our global Tehran-based headquarters is staffed with outstanding Iranian and foreign media professionals.
Press TV is extensively networked with bureaus located in the world's most strategic cities.
Sehen Sie sich jetzt die besten N24 Magazine noch einmal an: Kronzuckers Kosmos, N24 Wissen, Transportwelt, N24 Objektiv und Menschen & Mythen sind ab sofort kostenlos und in voller Länge auf verfügbar. So verpassen Sie keine Folge mehr.
1997 wurde der Sender Franken Life in RTL Franken Life TV umbenannt und 2002 erfolgte die Übernahme der Frequenz des finanziell angeschlagenen Senders Franken Fernsehen. Auf dieser Frequenz wird seither 24 Stunden täglich gesendet und zusätzlich war die Nachrichtensendung am Abend an jedem Werktag um 18 Uhr auf der Kabel-Frequenz von RTL zu sehen.
Franken TV
H&M Fashion Video
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A weekly video podcast and online magazine featuring products for you, your home and your garden. Aimed at women and men, we bring you the latest fashions, beauty products, homewear plus travel and lifestyle features from around the world.
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Bite-sized and thought provoking, Edits are vital life improvements curated in a fast-paced well-researched collection.
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Launched in February 2007, Monocle is a global briefing covering international affairs, business, culture and design. Headquartered in London with bureaux in Tokyo, Sydney, Zürich and New York, Monocle appears 10 times a year in print and is updated constantly at Developed for an international audience hungry for information across a variety of sectors, Monocle offers a comprehensive global briefing under a single editorial brand. In print and online, writers and photographers are dispatched to over 50 countries every issue to deliver stories on forgotten states, alluring political figures, emerging brands, fresh forces in popular culture and inspiring design solutions.
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Piper's Picks is a kids video show/podcast featuring Piper Reese. Piper reviews restaurants, rides, movies, toys...and just about anything else kids are into! We've got a fun, fast-paced format. It's about kids and by kids! Always G rated!
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What’s the Fashion Cents mission? To give the world a greater fashion sense one person at a time (and men, that includes you too). We want people to stop believing that wearing designer logos and high-priced fashions are the only ways to achieve a great style. So if you don’t have thousands of dollars to spend on a whole new wardrobe, you can never be stylish? We are here to show you that by working within your current wardrobe and adding a few economical pieces, you can look like you just jumped off the pages of the latest fashion magazine. And don’t worry, we won’t only show you what the look is, but we’ll give you the resources to do it yourself (i.e. details of where to buy the exact pieces we show). And it doesn’t matter where you live. While we’re located in Chicago, the items we find are on-line or in national stores so even those of you in Abilene (Texas, that is) can pick them up too. So no more breaking the bank for a fashionable look. Does your fashion make sense?
Fashion Cents
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