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Home Box Office, a division of Time Warner Entertainment Company, L.P. (TWE), provides two 24-hour premium TV services, HBO and Cinemax, to subscribers across the United States via cable, C-band satellite, direct broadcast satellite (DBS) and microwave (MMDS). HBO is also available to guests in hotels and motels across the country.
Connecting to the iTunes Store.
Discovery Channel
Connecting to the iTunes Store.
Breaking News, Latest News and Current News from Breaking news and video. Latest Current News: U.S., World, Entertainment, Health, Business, Technology, Politics, Sports.
FNC iMag - Breaking News | Latest News | Current News is among the world's leaders in online news and information delivery. Staffed 24 hours, seven days a week by a dedicated staff in CNN's world headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia, and in bureaus worldwide, relies heavily on CNN's global team of almost 4,000 news professionals.
CNN is the official website for everything in Oprah's world. Find advice on your health, beauty, cooking and recipes, money, decorating, relationships and more from The Oprah Winfrey Show, O, The Oprah Magazine, Oprah Radio, Oprah's Angel Network, Harpo Films and Oprah's Book Club
Oprah Winfrey
Oprah Winfrey's Official Website - Live Your Best Life -
he National Library of Medicine (NLM), on the campus of the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, is the world's largest medical library. The Library collects materials and provides information and research services in all areas of biomedicine and health care.
National Library of Medicine
One of the world's largest direct selling businesses powered by:
Brands That Do Wonders
Opportunities That Empower
Relationships That Endure
Global Citizenship That's Purposeful
There is no content in Galician. Instead showing content in English.
Contemporary oral surgery and dental implant principles to raise global awareness, increase knowledge, understand treatment options, and help people make better decisions regarding their oral health.
Dr. Kazemi: Dental Implants & Oral Surgery Current
News and videos from St. Luke's Health Initiatives. For more information, visit
Arizona Health Cast
Getting fit and healthy may seem like something that was possible when you were younger. Not true! If you read my story you know how it’s possible to make changes at any age.
These podcasts cover topics that helped me succeed with P90, P90X, Chalean Extreme, Insanity and more. These shows include poking fun at fitness, talking about eating and diet, chatting with special guests, learning about other Beachbody programs and discussing things regarding overall health and well-being!
Enjoy these video podcasts.
Perry Tinsley
Independent Beachbody Coach
Feed Me Bubbe as seen in the Wall Street Journal May 10th 2007 and ABC World News with Charles Gibson on 8/8/07 among other press. Bubbe is Yiddish for grandmother and this Bubbe is ready to show you the secret to her good cooking. Feed me Bubbe takes feeding grandchildren to a new level. What makes this different from the other feed is that the fans have spoken saying we need a version that works on your ipods and iphones and we have answered. If you are looking for a .mov version use the other version.
Feed Me Bubbe (IPOD ONLY)
Learn all about health, fitness, nutrition, diet, and exercise to get the body YOU want!
Pacifica Wellness Video Podcast
Kerr Podcast Center is your visual source for learning about new dental techniques and products! Watch How-To demonstrations of many different Kerr products. And check back often, we’re always adding new content.
Kerr Podcast Center
Part of the advanced airway management rotation at the University of Florida
Airway Educational Project » Lectures
Certified Personal Trainer Pamela Hernandez guides you through the world of personal fitness with realistic advice and helpful tips. If you have tried all the fads and want real and lasting weight loss and healthy living let Pamela be your guide on the journey to health and fitness.
Thrive Personal Fitness (HD Version)
The SybronEndo Podcast Central is an online endodontic resource for products and techniques. You can watch clinician’s testimonials, how-to videos and product demonstrations of SybronEndo’s most popular items. SybronEndo, the leader in endodontic innovation, offers a complete line of files, obturation equipment, diagnostic equipment and ultrasonic’s that will help you be successful in all your root canal therapy procedures.
SybronEndo Podcast Center
This is the official video podcast of Joe Chaffin, MD (also known as the Blood Bank Guy). This version is designed for those who like to experience presentations in slide form, and can be viewed on your computer or on a portable device with video capability. An audio version is available elsewhere in the iTunes podcast directory. Every month or two, Dr. Chaffin will will take a single topic in blood banking and transfusion medicine and break it down in 45 minutes to an hour or so. The handout for each podcast is available at
Blood Bank Guy Video Podcast
The FREE, 1-Minute Dog Trainer podcast series. You and your little dog will benefit from the latest techniques and command strategies directly from today’s leading expert dog trainers. Brought to you by WebMD, today’s #1 recognized and trusted brand in health information and largest site for healthy pet info.
WebMD Healthy Pets: 1-Minute Dog Trainer for Little Dogs
Information on Vipassana Meditation As Taught By S. N. Goenka in the tradition of Sayagyi U Ba Khin. Dhamma Podcasts from primarily consist of Goenkaji's public talks and Q&A given in 2002 during the Meditation Now tour. Periodically, other speakers discussing various aspects of Vipassana meditation as taught by SN Goenka will also be included. Copyright Vipassana Research Institute 2002 - For personal use only. May not be modified for commercial purposes without the permission of the Copyright holder.
Dhamma Podcasts
Feed Me Bubbe declared top trend of 2009 by As seen in the Wall Street Journal May 10th 2007 and ABC World News with Charles Gibson on 8/8/07 among other press. Bubbe is Yiddish for grandmother and this Bubbe is ready to show you the secret to her good cooking. Feed me Bubbe takes feeding grandchildren to a new level. If you are trying to use this with your IPOD or IPHONE please use the other feed that says IPOD ONLY. Visit our website
Feed Me Bubbe
In which a young surgeon-in-training reflects on his adventures.
Dashing MD
Podmedics was setup by Dr Ed Wallitt in 2008 with the aim of producing high quality educational podcasts for undergraduates. All the Podmedics podcasts are aimed specifically at medical students, and outline key principles and concepts. They allow material encountered in the lecture theatre and hospital to be better understood, and ultimately recalled.
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