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Kids & Family
Teaching reading is a hugely complicated task. So much so that researcher Louisa Moats ended up entitling her influential article "Teaching Reading IS Rocket Science." Watch and learn as Reading Rockets goes inside the classroom and captures effective techniques for teaching all aspects of Reading 101. The video clips are from Reading Rockets' PBS television series Launching Young Readers.
Launching Young Readers is designed for teachers, parents, caregivers, and anyone else interested in helping children learn to read. The programs feature the country's top reading experts, look at different reading strategies, provide practical advice for parents, and interweave the personal stories of children, families, and teachers.
The following podcasts are available on For more information visit Reading Rockets' Reading 101 section, where you'll find related videos, articles, and techniques for teaching reading effectively!
Watch & Learn (Reading Rockets)
Matinee Serials provides Vintage and Classic Serials from 1930s,1940s,1950s all from the golden age of the silver screen.
Matinee Serials Videos
Simple sewing solutions for busy women who love to sew.
Rick Rack - Thread Therapy for Sewers
These 2 teen girls are hillarious as they give advice on dance moves, fashion and even horoscopes. Learn to sing, draw, shop, cook and get in trouble. Funny and educational! Visit us at
Got Ya Back
Scared Stiff Horror Cinema Defining the Horror genre, exploring typical tropes and motifs, such as the haunted house, monsters, zombies and serial killers. Also looking at the principles and logic behind the horror film – some sort of transgression (knowing something not supposed to know) leading to terrible consequences. Questioning why we watch horror films – cathartic enactment and overcoming of society’s worst nightmares. Thus the sociological interest in horror films – and how they portray society’s fears, varying according to the age.
Scared Stiff Horror Cinema
Matinee Playhouse is for the entire family. Movies that bring back those childhood memories of those double features and the sense of excitement. with wonderful movies from your past.
matineeplayhouse's Podcast
The Thrillseekers provide VIP access to Southern California's life and culture from a SoCal perspective....
Through entertaining and informative segments, the Thrillseekers deliver a refreshing outlook that will renew your passion for So Cal. Join us as we track down and pass along to you all the hidden treasures the Golden State has to offer.
SoCal ThrillSeekers
Camp Towanda Podcast
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A great sleep-away camp experience
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Favorite in Kids & Family
Reading Rockets' interviews with top children's book authors and illustrators are an excellent way to introduce students to those who create books kids know and love. Not just for children, these interviews are also enjoyed by parents, teachers, librarians, and other educators who appreciate the value of children's literature and get a kick out of putting a face and voice to the authors and illustrators whose work we enjoy. These interviews are available from in audio and video formats. To see a transcript from these interviews, to find out more about each author, or to watch the full interview, see Reading Rockets' Books & Authors section.
Meet the Author (Reading Rockets)
A married couple living just outside Atlanta share their lives, laughs, and perspectives on the world around them. Featuring heavy doses of cooking and college football talk. Published at least once a week, sometimes more..
For Whatever Reason - a podcast about...
Danielle is a seven-year-old Texas cowgirl who LOVES horses! On her show she shares all her horsie adventures with you. Come make friends with Danielle and write her at "". You can also visit her on the Web at "". Thank you for supporting podcasting for kids by kids...something there should be much more of!
Danielle's Horsie Show
This podcast has various videos. The common thread is that these are videos I have shot. Some are about my hobbies, some are about my family, some may be about education, instructional technology and San Jose State University.
Steve Sloan's Video Blog
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