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100.5 ABC Northern Tasmania - 7ABCRR - 48 kbps AAC
7ABCRR - ABC Northern Tasmania - Burnie-Devonport, Australia
7NT - ABC Northern Tasmania - Launceston, Australia
Reading a wide variety of printed material for the Tasmanian print handicapped community since 1982. Local and National newspapers are read daily, with readings from a vast selection of periodicals and book readings presented by our team of over 90 volunteers. Part of the RPH Australia Network, the emphasis is on Tasmanian-produced programs, but 7RPH broadcasts selected programs from around Australia.
7RPH - Hobart, Australia
Reading a wide variety of printed material for the Tasmanian print handicapped community since 1982. Local and National newspapers are read daily, with readings from a vast selection of periodicals and book readings presented by our team of over 90 volunteers. Part of the RPH Australia Network, the emphasis is on Tasmanian-produced programs, but 7RPH broadcasts selected programs from around Australia.
7RPH - Launceston, Australia
Australia's only continuous news station - a national 24 hour radio news service. All news, all the time.
7PB - ABC News Radio - Burnie-Devonport, Australia
Launceston Way FM 105.3
7WAY - Way FM - Launceston, Australia
ABC News Radio
7PB - ABC News Radio - 92.5 FM - Launceston, Australia
triple j – in all its incarnations – is all about the music. WE LOVE MUSIC. We love music made in bedrooms and garages around Australia by people we’ve never heard of. We love new music from our favourite bands from here and all over the world.
7JJJ - ABC Triple J - 92.9 FM - Hobart, Australia
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