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Čeština (Česká Republika)
This is a video podcast of solutions to example problems from Dr. Beyersdorf's Physics 50 class at San Jose State University. Several episodes will be published each week including solutions to the previous week's homework and examples that may be useful in understanding current homework or preparing for upcoming exams.
Physics 50 example problems
Each year, the TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) conference hosts some of the world's most fascinating people: Trusted voices and convention-breaking mavericks, icons and geniuses. These podcasts (also available in audio format) capture the most extraordinary presentations delivered from the TED stage.
TEDTalks (video)
Le 1er site collaboratif de vidéos éducatives et culturelles réalisées par des professeurs.
Canal Educatif à la Demande : le meilleur des vidéos éducatives sur l'économie, les sciences et les arts
Arizona bugs of the month with UA Associate Curator Carl Olsen.
Bugs of the Month
SUPEREGO: Profiles In Self-Obsession. Improvised, analyzed and brought to you by clinical absurdists Dr. Jeremy Carter, PhD and Dr. Matt Gourley, PyT with Resident Specialists Mark McConville and Jeff Crocker.
Guest appearances by Jason Sudeikis (SNL, 30 ROCK), Steve Agee (THE SARAH SILVERMAN PROGRAM), Jo Lo Truglio (SUPERBAD, RENO 911), Derek Mears (FRIDAY THE 13TH, PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN) and many more. These findings presented for the Pscienceâ„¢ community at large.
The WorkCompAcademy is a full featured online learning experience. Our faculty includes the leading practitioners in the California Workers' Compensation Community. Our online curriculum covers all aspects of Workers' Compensation Claims, from basic concepts to advanced topics of value to experienced practitioners such as senior claims exectives, attorneys, and Qualified Medical Evaluators. Students can access classes any time, from any internet connected computer. Courses can be completed at an individualized pace.
Work Comp Academy | Weekly News
The Clinical Audit Support Centre would like to welcome you to our new podcasting service. As far as we are aware, only a limited number of healthcare organisations in the UK currently utilise podcasts as a medium for communicating information and we believe that we are among the first to use this technology in clinical governance and clinical audit circles. Enhanced for Apple iPods and iTunes.
Clinical Audit Support Centre Podcast
Maine Ghost Hunters - Video Podcasts - Henryton Sanitarium Mini-Documentary
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Maine Ghost Hunters investigates the Henryton Sanitarium in Marriotsville, Maryland with paranormal investigation teams from across the country in a combined effort to capture, and document, evidence of paranormal activity on the grounds.
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Čeština (Česká Republika) \ Science
Čeština (Česká Republika) \ Science \ Natural Sciences
Čeština (Česká Republika) \ Education \ Do It Yourself
Čeština (Česká Republika) \ Science \ Nature
Čeština (Česká Republika) \ Science \ Everything Else
Čeština (Česká Republika) \ Technology \ Everything Else
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Short and sweet - with non-techy tips that you can put to use immediately. Covers everything from image composition to post processing. No matter if you use a digital point-and-shoot or an expensive digital SLR. With a good sense of humour, Chris Marquardt manages to convey tips for the beginner as well as the professional photographer
Digital Photography Tips from the Top Floor (Audio/Video) is an innovative and fun way of learning the Japanese language and culture at your own convenience and pace. Our language training system consists of free daily podcast audio lessons, a premium learning center, and a vibrant user community. Stop by today to learn more!
Learn Japanese | (Audio and Video)
This is a podcasting page for the Demarest Music Program.
All work must be preapproved before posting. Please send all work attached to my school e-mail address or in person. All work must be in .mp3 and/or .mov file format.
I'm looking forward to posting your work. Students must have a Podomatic account in order to leave Comments. Please be respectful.
Thank you,
DMS Music Podcasting
U-Tech - University of TECHnology - is technology training for all El Paso ISD teachers and campus administrators. It was created in response to Texas state and federal (TEA, SBEC and NCLB Title II-D) requirements that call for specific number of hours of technology training to be completed yearly by all campus professionals. Teachers enrolled in the Podcasting major spend 25 hours in class, and almost as many hours outside of class recording and editing their educational video podcasts.
U-Tech Podcasting
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