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Conversations With Linda | Blog Talk Radio Feed
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Conversations With Linda | Blog Talk Radio Feed

Conversations With Linda is an intimate lifestyle show featuring stellar guests delving into all aspects of life ranging from spirituality and politics to art, music, food, and culture. It will also provide opportunities for listeners to enrich the lives of others.

"I hope listeners find themselves feeling right at home with those interviewed ranging from clergy and politicians to artists and authors.

The best interviews really aren’t interviews at all, but opportunities for those reading my work to feel privy to just wonderful conversations that will resonate in their lives. I hope this show serves as a different vehicle with the same goal," she said.

Don’t expect to find the same topic or genre every week. The selection will be as eclectic as its host, a show that is a potpourri representing all aspects of life featuring experts from every field.

By the end of each show, hopefully, you will leave with something thought-provoking, informational, inspirational, and joyful.

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