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National Occupational Standards (NOS) specify UK standards of performance that people are expected to achieve in their work, and the knowledge and skills they need to perform effectively.
NOS - Nieuws, Sport en Evenementen op Radio, TV en Internet | Nederlandse Omroep Stichting
The Omroepvereniging VARA (VARA Broadcasting Association) is a Dutch public broadcasting association operating within the framework of the Nederlandse Publieke Omroep system, founded in 1925 as the Vereeniging van Arbeiders Radio Amateurs[1] (Association of Worker Radio Amateurs). The name was changed to Omroepvereniging VARA in 1957 and is no longer an acronym.
Omroepvereniging VARA
Periodismo de lo desconocido. Radio y tv on-line. Historia, misterio, ciencia, antropolog�a
Podcast :: Milenio3 y Cuarto Milenio ::
Since its inception in 1995, TV23, Cobb County’s government access channel, has continued to provide the citizens of Cobb with coverage of public meetings, informative programs about county departments and community information. TV23 works toward one all encompassing goal:to develop and implement dynamic programs to maintain effective communications between county government and county residents.
Cobb County Government TV23
The National Physical Laboratory (NPL) is the UK's National Measurement Institute and is a world-leading centre of excellence in developing and applying the most accurate measurement standards, science and technology.
NPL podcast
News and videos from St. Luke's Health Initiatives. For more information, visit
Arizona Health Cast
Denver 8 Online Programming - Historic Denver
City and County of Denver: Historic Denver Video Podcast
Denver 8 Online Programming - Arts & Cultural
City and County of Denver: Arts & Cultural Video Podcast
Sausalito's View Page
City of Sausalito, CA: Sausalito's View Page Video Podcast
Canyonlands National Park preserves a colorful landscape eroded into countless canyons, mesas and buttes by the Colorado River and its tributaries in southeast Utah. Join park rangers as they explore the many features of Canyonlands in this series of short videos covering a range of topics: all of which you're likely to experience first-hand when you visit the park. Each episode is available in two sizes: one for Apple TV and a smaller one for iPods.
Inside Canyonlands
National Park Service
A daily TV/radio news program, hosted by Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez, airing on over 800 stations, pioneering the largest community media collaboration in the U.S.
Democracy Now! Video
Mosaic is a Peabody Award-winning daily compilation of television news reports from the Middle East, including Egypt, Lebanon, Israel, Syria, the Palestinian Authority, Iraq and Iran.
Mosaic: World News From The Middle East
CNN Student News utilizes CNN's worldwide resources to bring each day's top news stories to middle and high school classrooms. The 10-minute, commercial-free program encourages student participation and provides classes with context for understanding current events.
CNN Student News (video)
In every episode of this internet show Becky shows you how to go from a consumer lifestyle, into the Self-Sufficient, Community Driven, Eco-Friendly, Homesteading Lifestyle.
Becky's Homestead
PLEASE NOTE:THIS WEEK'S WASHINGTON WEEK PODCAST WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE UNTIL MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2009. Each week, the country's top reporters join moderator Gwen Ifill for an in-depth discussion of the week's top news from Washington and around the world. The longest-running news and public affairs program on PBS, "Washington Week" features journalists -- not pundits -- lending insight and perspective to the week's important news stories.
Washington Week Video Podcast | PBS
The primary goal of these podcasts is to provide timely, topical, accurate and thorough information to our residents. While we certainly depend heavily on the local media to let our residents know what's happening in our city - these podcasts will further allow the police department to keep the community informed. When a major incident happens in the city we will be able to spend as much time as we need to fully explain to our residents what has occurred.
Straight to You
High definition views of Chandra's exciting science
The Beautiful Universe: Chandra in HD
NASA's Spitzer Science Center and Infrared Processing and Analysis Center
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