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Suomi (Suomi)
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MLB情報 Radio メジャーリーグ野球とレッドソックス
Monthly Podcast hosted by Chris Hale ( The Tokyo Metro plays two hours of deep, dark house, tribal, progressive, techno and electronica getting play in the underground scenes here in Tokyo and around the world. The Metro also features exclusive Japan-Only mixes by world famous DJ's, as well as up-and-coming local talent. Mixes you will ONLY hear on the Metro.
Tokyo Metro (Deep, Dark Sounds from the Tokyo Underground)
Theme-based conversations and language practice for students of English, such as EFL, ESL and ESOL, at a beginner level. The dialogs have two or more speakers. Read transcripts and listen to mp3 files.
ELT Podcast - Basic Conversations for EFL and ESL
Travel in Ten hosted by David Brodie is a ten minute window on some of the coolest places to visit around the world. From Hip Hotels to great restaurants, concerts, festivals and events we will be presenting audio tours, videocasts and soundscapes of interesting places around the globe. We hope you enjoy the podcast, please send any questions, comments or suggestions to
Our first series of podcasts focus on Tokyo, Japan but look for upcoming shows on many destinations including:
Luang Prabang, Laos
Bangkok, Thailand
Siem Reip, Cambodia
Sapa, Vietnam
Hanoi, Vietnam
Phuket, Thailand
Phi Phi Island Thailand
Redang Island, Malaysia
Bali, Indonesia
Havana, Cuba
Ottawa, Canada
Calgary, Canada
Vancouver, Canada
and more!
Travel in 10: 10 Minute Travel Podcast
English Conversations offers unique recordings of real English conversations, dialogues, stories, and bilinguals with transcripts for language learners. It's also the home of Interactive Stories, a conversational teaching/learning technique created by Mark White.
English Conversations
News, views, opinions and interviews about New England sports, the Patriots, Bruins, Celtics, Red Sox and Revolution. All here, on the edge and coming at you fresh!
New England Sports Podcast
Beb and I wanted to make a podcast for learning Japanes that was entertaining, a little edgy and different from all the other podcasts out there. If you like a little humor flavored with a little Osaka dialect, then this is the podcast for you !
Learn Japanese with Beb and Alex
If you're preparing for the TOEIC test, this podcast is for you! Or if you're just wanting to brush up on your listening skills, gives us a listen! The focus of this podcast will be on the Listening Section of the TOEIC test. Download the transcripts and answers from MSA's website at
[Note: TOEIC is a registered trademark of ETS. ETS has neither reviewed nor endorsed the content of this podcast.]
Mustard Seed Academy is located in Tokyo, Japan.
TOEIC受験をお考えの方に最適!もちろん英語リスニング強化にも役立ちます。英語専門校マスタードシードアカデミー (MSA) の国際部主任講師 イアン先生のレクチャーをお聴き下さい。問題文と解答は マスタードシードアカデミーのウェブサイトよりダウンロードできます。
TOEIC® Practice with Ian Shen
読売ニュース ポッドキャスト : YOMIURI ONLINE(読売新聞)
R☆COOL presents
XC/Enduro Video Podcast
Daily highlights from the Garner Andrews Show, with Bryce, Teddy, and Amber, on SONiC 102.9.
The Garner Andrews Show with Bryce, Teddy and Amber
J-TALK is an audio podcast about all things Japan from the inside out. Your hosts , Sonny and Keiko, discuss their personal experiences and ideas from an outsiders perspective of modern Japanese culture. J-TALK also features interviews with natives, polls, interesting tid-bits and J-Talk's unique home-made commercials.
某短大英文学科の学生による英語学習ページですコメント・ご意見・要望・感想 お待ちしております!
Two books: (1) an ESL novella-textbook about a Vietnam War conscientious objector's 14-year search for identity and (2) an hallucinogenic mid-life crisis/adventure novel, and homage to Malcolm Lowry and Hermann Hesse.
The Many Roads to Japan/Autumn Shadows in August
A podcast for English learners. We speak in clear and easy-to-understand English so that learners at all levels can understand. Interesting features, idioms, slang, topical discussions, grammar, explanations, speaking practice and more. Transcripts for the WHAT'S UP? PODCAST are on the blog at our website (
English Teacher John Show
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