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Maine Ghost Hunters - Video Podcasts - Henryton Sanitarium Mini-Documentary
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The mission of PVI, PeerView Institute for Medical Education, in conjunction with its accredited partners who make up the PeerView Academic Network, is to provide continuing education programs that ensure the timely diffusion of medical innovations and advances to the professionals most in need of the knowledge and skills imparted by these programs. We pursue these goals by helping to align areas of identified educational need with funding opportunities, as well as by developing and managing processes that bring these programs to the most relevant target audiences.
PVI, PeerView Institute for Medical Education
The launch of TV3 has, in effect, taken nearly 10 years to complete. In 1989, Ireland's newly formed independent broadcast regulator, the IRTC, was charged with inviting applications from prospective broadcasters for the exclusive right to negotiate a television program service contract with the IRTC.
Maine Ghost Hunters - Video Podcasts - Henryton Sanitarium Mini-Documentary
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Maine Ghost Hunters investigates the Henryton Sanitarium in Marriotsville, Maryland with paranormal investigation teams from across the country in a combined effort to capture, and document, evidence of paranormal activity on the grounds.
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