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Natural Sciences
The mission of PVI, PeerView Institute for Medical Education, in conjunction with its accredited partners who make up the PeerView Academic Network, is to provide continuing education programs that ensure the timely diffusion of medical innovations and advances to the professionals most in need of the knowledge and skills imparted by these programs. We pursue these goals by helping to align areas of identified educational need with funding opportunities, as well as by developing and managing processes that bring these programs to the most relevant target audiences.
PVI, PeerView Institute for Medical Education
The launch of TV3 has, in effect, taken nearly 10 years to complete. In 1989, Ireland's newly formed independent broadcast regulator, the IRTC, was charged with inviting applications from prospective broadcasters for the exclusive right to negotiate a television program service contract with the IRTC.
Maine Ghost Hunters investigates the Henryton Sanitarium in Marriotsville, Maryland with paranormal investigation teams from across the country in a combined effort to capture, and document, evidence of paranormal activity on the grounds.
Maine Ghost Hunters - Video Podcasts - Henryton Sanitarium Mini-Documentary
The EUP presents educational insight into different ultrasound techniques and possibilities. Take your emergency medicine practice to a new level today!
Ultrasound Podcast
Maine Ghost Hunters investigates private client locations.
Maine Ghost Hunters - Video Podcasts - Private and Client Investigations
Explore Arizona biodiversity and life science research. Featuring the work of Arizona scientists, citizens, teachers, and learners, as well as the flora and fauna of the Sonoran Desert.
Exploring Arizona Life Science Research and Biodiversity with the Tree of Life Web Project
Kerr Podcast Center is your visual source for learning about new dental techniques and products! Watch How-To demonstrations of many different Kerr products. And check back often, we’re always adding new content.
Kerr Podcast Center
ESOcast is a video podcast series dedicated to bringing you the latest news and research from ESO . Astronomy made on planet Earth. Here we explore the Universe's ultimate frontier with our host Doctor J, a.k.a. Dr. Joe Liske.
The WorkCompAcademy is a full featured online learning experience. Our faculty includes the leading practitioners in the California Workers' Compensation Community. Our online curriculum covers all aspects of Workers' Compensation Claims, from basic concepts to advanced topics of value to experienced practitioners such as senior claims exectives, attorneys, and Qualified Medical Evaluators. Students can access classes any time, from any internet connected computer. Courses can be completed at an individualized pace.
Work Comp Academy | Weekly News
This is the most liberated and free distribution vessel for the works of the poet of sound & image KiNo. This podcast will deliver you exclusive sounds, words and images of the 21st century poet and his journey for the Revolution of the Mind.
Contemporary oral surgery and dental implant principles to raise global awareness, increase knowledge, understand treatment options, and help people make better decisions regarding their oral health.
Dr. Kazemi: Dental Implants & Oral Surgery Current
The National Physical Laboratory (NPL) is the UK's National Measurement Institute and is a world-leading centre of excellence in developing and applying the most accurate measurement standards, science and technology.
NPL podcast
Discussions about anything related to marine saltwater and reef tanks. Here we'll discuss everything from basic Fish Only tank care to advanced reef system care. We will also discuss equipment and DIY type projects.
Welcome to Bytesize Science, an educational, entertaining podcast for young listeners from the American Chemical Society (ACS), the world's largest scientific society. Posted every Monday, it translates scientific discoveries from ACS' 36 scientific journals into intriguing stories for kids of all ages about science, medicine, energy, food, and much more.
Bytesize Science
Joel Mark Witt hosts this regular look at the Maryland Zoo in Baltimore.
Podmedics was setup by Dr Ed Wallitt in 2008 with the aim of producing high quality educational podcasts for undergraduates. All the Podmedics podcasts are aimed specifically at medical students, and outline key principles and concepts. They allow material encountered in the lecture theatre and hospital to be better understood, and ultimately recalled.
In which a young surgeon-in-training reflects on his adventures.
Dashing MD
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