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J.C. Hutchins is an award-winning fiction and nonfiction storyteller, with 15 years of professional writing experience. His two novels – 7th Son: Descent and Personal Effects: Dark Art — were published in 2009 by St. Martin’s Press.
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American Public Media, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, is the largest owner and operator of public radio stations and a premier producer and distributor of public radio programming in the nation. It is also the largest producer and distributor of classical music programming in the United States.
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Contemporary drama in a rural setting from the world's longest running radio soap opera.
BBC Radio 4
HowStuffWorks explains thousands of topics, from engines to lock-picking to ESP, with video and illustrations so you can learn how everything works.
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Slate is a daily magazine on the Web. Founded in 1996, we are a general-interest publication offering analysis and commentary about politics, news, business, technology, and culture
Slate Magazine
Breaking News, Latest News and Current News from Breaking news and video. Latest Current News: U.S., World, Entertainment, Health, Business, Technology, Politics, Sports.
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Arts, culture and city life from WNYC, New York Public Radio, 93.9 FM, 820 AM.
WNYC Culture
KCRW 89.9 FM is a Free Internet Public Radio Station of Santa Monica College, in Los Angeles, California - Streaming Live Independent Music, NPR News, and Talk
KCRW 89.9 FM | Internet Public Radio Station Streaming Live Independent Music & NPR News Online from Los Angeles, CA - KCRW
Quick and Dirty Tips creates and distributes digital content that offers short, actionable advice from friendly and informed authorities that will help you succeed at work and in life.
I’ve been a pilot for a major U.S. Carrier since 1989. Before that I flew A-10s for the Air Force. I was stationed at RAF Bentwaters in the UK, and then at McClellan AFB in California. I left the Air Force and then we won the cold war. I think it was just a coincidence
Joe d'Eon
ABC Local Radio is a network of publicly owned radio stations in Australia, operated by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.
ABC Local Radio stations broadcast across the continent using terrestrial transmitters and satellites. Its programming consists of news, current affairs, talkback, entertainment, sport, music and local affairs.
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n today’s fast-changing media landscape, WGBH is making sure you have our content when and where you choose: on air, online, and on the go with TV and radio broadcasts,
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Pritzker Military Library Podcasts
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The Pritzker Military Library, located in Chicago, Illinois, has extensive collections in military history and military fiction, especially those works that illustrate the role of the citizen-soldier. The mission of the library is to build awareness of the importance of the military in our society by facilitating public debate and discussion on the impact of military issues. The Library has an extensive programming schedule. Unless otherwise noted, all events are free
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and open to the public. All programs are available as a live webcast and are also archived for later viewing at This master feed will provide all available PML programs including Medal of Honor with Ed Tracy, Front & Center with John Callaway, and Pritzker Military Library Presents Author series.
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