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FM4 wurde 1994 von seinen Programm-Machern erdacht. Ziel war es der in den 90ern zunehmend bedeutender werdenden alternativen Kultur und Lebensart junger Menschen sowie der wachsenden österreichischen Szene eine Heimat zu geben und so ein Seismograph der hiesigen Jugendkultur zu werden.
ORF Radio FM4
L'Auditorium Parco della Musica è un complesso multifunzionale di Roma realizzato per ospitare eventi musicali e culturali di varie tipologie; è stato inaugurato il 21 aprile 2002 con l'apertura della Sala Sinopoli, ed il 21 dicembre dello stesso anno è stata poi aperta anche l'ala più grande del complesso.
Fondazione Musica per Roma
Auditorium Parco della Musica
A series on the history of Jews and Judaism in antiquity.
From Israelite to Jew
It really is all true! Stories about stuff that you never needed to know, but your life would be incomplete without. They serve no real purpose other than to entertain. If you're the curious type and have a few minutes to spare, then spend some of it each week listening to this ever-growing collection of stories. Great for those that are looking for a little bit of trivia in their lives.
Useless Information Podcast's Jeff Giles, Jason Hare, and Dave Lifton bring some of the Web's sharpest, funniest pop culture commentary out of your browser and directly into your earbuds. Featuring lively discussion, special guests, and music.
Popdose » Podcast
From a bar in Louisville, KY, old friends Jim, Brent, & Puckett (along with the bar full of drunken prophets) brood over the complexities of today’s pop-culture with a striking sense of originality, a smattering of charm, and a whole lot of humor. Together they ponder issues allowing the conversation drift unfettered to the corners of their expansive imaginations. In a single sitting they can touch on anything from their favorite music to movies they hate to books that changed their lives and everything else in between. They’re opinionated, blunt, and crass…so often they’re shows aren’t for the weak at heart. But they speak freely and honestly in the way only old friends can.
Little Heart Records Presents: Talk Hard
TV pundits discuss politics in a vacuum. Cable news tells you everything is 'breaking news' but in most cases, events have long roots in history. In this podcast, we smash and bash the politics of today with a healthy dose of history - bringing you a better understanding of politics.
My History Can Beat Up Your Politics
Get an insider's perspective on the most interesting objects in the collections of the Kansas Museum of History. Each biweekly episode features a different curator talking about a different object, always something featured on our web site. It's the best of our nation's history--not just Kansas, but important events for the whole United States. There's something for everyone, from the Civil War to the Cold War, Abraham Lincoln to Amelia Earhart, tornadoes to travel. You can access the full stories (with images) on the Web at Just look for the Cool Things link.
Cool Things in the Collection, Kansas Museum of History
As a young Jewish teenage boy, Henry Oertelt lived with his mother and brother in Berlin, Germany as the storm clouds of Hitler’s Nazi hatred, discrimination and violence toward Jews grew darker. Henry avoided arrest by the Gestapo until 1943, when at age 22 he began his amazing saga of surviving five Nazi concentration camps. His story of the 18 cliff-hanging events which led to his Nazi death camp survival is told in his book, An Unbroken Chain.
In a world premiere podcast here at KVSC, Dr. Oertelt tells his astounding story of survival, human dignity and perseverance.
Dr. Oertelt has a long history of involvement with SCSU, and with Holocaust remembrance activities. He is the recipient of many honors, among them an Honorary Doctorate from SCSU in 2006, and an Honorary Doctorate from Southwest State University in Marshall in 2007.
An Unbroken Chain - Dr. Henry Oertelt
Welcome to OrthoAnalytika, the podcast of Fr. Anthony Perkins and St. Michael Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Woonsocket, RI. This is where Fr. Anthony shares the Good News of Salvation through Christ and His Church by posting homilies, analysis, and interviews. He has a diverse background, a big smile, and lots of enthusiasm. See and for more information and content.
Jeden Sonntag von 14.00 bis 16.00 Uhr lädt Bettina Rust einen prominenten Gast in die Hörbar Rust » ein. Dieser stellt sich in der Sendung vor und die Musik, die in seinem Leben von Bedeutung war und erzählt dazu die passenden Geschichten zum Soundtrack seines Lebens - alte Mixtapes werden rausgekramt - die erste Platte - intime Töne oder peinliche Songs mit persönlichen Erinnerungen des jeweiligen Gastes. Zwei Stunden voller Musik und toller Geschichten - Promis privat in der Hörbar Rust - immer sonntags von 14.00 - 16.00 Uhr. Die Highlights der jeweiligen Sendung können Sie hier downloaden.
Hörbar Rust
Fritz (Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg)
Interviews with various people from in and around the entertainment industry.
Conversations with Ross
The Barnard Center for Research on Women hosts
a programming series that explores a wide range of feminist and
social justice issues like women's rights, gender and sexuality,
democracy and voting, immigration and economics. Featured speakers
include Angela Davis, Estelle Freedman, Lani Guinier, Josephine
Ho, Naomi Klein and Dean Spade. Fusing scholarship with activism, highlights from these events
are now available as podcasts.
Barnard Center for Research on Women
Pocketoid is a weekly podcast dedicated to handheld video games both old and new! It is usually hosted by Destructoid community members Jordan (jackal27) and Addison (CrackityJones), but we often include guest hosts as well. Join us as we reminisce the past and look forward to the future of handheld video games! Also, wiener jokes.
I'm a mid-40s married professional with 3 daughters. For the past 22 years, I've been battling the bathroom scale. Now, the light has switched on and I've added runner to the list of the things I am. Let's GO!
Running Crunch (iPod)
We spin the best/worst of obscure records that corporate stations will not touch. Dig vinyl that hit LOW on the charts, or never hit the charts at all! Thrill to our vault of Garage, Rockabilly, Surf, Blues, Girl Groups, Psychedelic...
(affiliated w/ WBCQ Radio Monticello, ME USA)
Lost Discs Radio Show
Shows from the golden age of Radio. Each day there will be a different genre. Monday is Horror day, Tuesday is Western Day, Wednesday is Mystery Day,Thursday is Comedy Day and Friday is Scifi Day, Sat. and Sun. Vic and Sade Days.
Total 85
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