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TED is a small nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading -- through, our annual conferences, the annual TED Prize and local TEDx events.
TED: Ideas worth spreading
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Featured in Science
Die Sendung behandelt ein zentrales Thema in Gesprächs- oder Featureform. Sämtliche Plattdeutsch-Dialekte Niedersachsens sind zu hören.
NDR 1 Niedersachsen - Plattdeutsch
NDR Kultur
Shows from the golden age of Radio. Each day there will be a different genre. Monday is Horror day, Tuesday is Western Day, Wednesday is Mystery Day,Thursday is Comedy Day and Friday is Scifi Day, Sat. and Sun. Vic and Sade Days.
This feed contains special items and features produced by the Naked Scientists team including coverage of the Cambridge Science Festival, the BA
Festival of Science and the AAAS Conference
Naked Scientists Special Editions
There is no content in Turkish. Instead showing content in English.
This feed contains special items and features produced by the Naked Scientists team including coverage of the Cambridge Science Festival, the BA
Festival of Science and the AAAS Conference
Naked Scientists Special Editions
The podcast about the functions, opportunities and consequences of the brain. Each episode concentrates on a special topic, served with mind science news and some music.
Braincast - on the frequency of Mind and Brain
A podcast about science, literature, and the arts. Weekly show featuring interviews with people that have an expertise in a particular topic. Average episode will be 20 to 25 minutes.
Critical Wit Podcast
These podcasts are UK Stroke Forum/International Journal of Stroke collaboration interviews, with speakers and interviewers from the 2010 UK Stroke Forum Glasgow UK.
UK Stroke Forum/International Journal of Stroke collaboration
Thermal and Statistical Physics Purdue University Phys 416
Thermal and Statistical Physics
Robots is the podcast for news, interviews and discussions on all aspects of robotics. New episodes are released every two weeks, on Fridays at 9am GMT. For more information click the robot or visit
Robots - The Podcast for News and Views on Robotics
Talking Robots is a podcast featuring interviews with high-profile professionals in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence for an inside view on the science, technology, and business of intelligent robotics. It is brought to you by the Laboratory of Intelligent Systems (LIS) at the EPFL in Lausanne, Switzerland. New episodes are released every two weeks, on Fridays at 9am GMT. For more information, click the robot or visit
Talking Robots - The Podcast on Robotics and Artificial Intelligence
How many organs could you donate and remain alive? How many planet Earths could fit inside the Sun? How high is a giraffe's blood pressure? Why is the sea blue? To find out, Ask The Naked Scientists!
Ask the Naked Scientists PODCAST
The Naked Scientists - interactive science, medicine and technology weekly live radio show with Cambridge University's Dr Chris Smith. We strip down science and lay the facts bare answering your science questions, interviewing top scientists and catching up with the latest top science news stories.
- The Naked Scientists Naked Science Radio Show PODCAST - Stripping Down Science
Podcasts from the journal Medical Education
Podcasts from the journal Medical Education
The Journal of Pathology Podcast Archive hosts a range of podcasts that enhance and complement articles available in the pages of the Journal and its website. They provide an informal insight and guide to the journal and its content in a conversational style. As well as summarizing recent content, the Journal podcasts provide interviews, commentary and comment on matters of interest to pathologists and those working in the broad area of understanding disease.
Podcasts from The Journal of Pathology
Each year, the TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) conference hosts some of the world's most fascinating people: Trusted voices and convention-breaking mavericks, icons and geniuses. These podcasts (also available in audio format) capture the most extraordinary presentations delivered from the TED stage.
TEDTalks (audio)
Each week we set out to solve one of the world's weirdest, wackiest, funniest and funkiest scientific puzzles. And along with the answer there's a brand new question to think about for next time...
Question of the Week - From the Naked Scientists
Backcountry Utah is Utah’s premiere outdoor radio program, which airs drivetime weekdays on six stations across Utah– From Moab to the Idaho Border.
Stations currently include–
97.1 FM KCYN in Moab
750 AM KOAL in Price
1340 AM KTMP in Heber
1490 AM KCPX in Spanish Valley
630 AM KTKK in Salt Lake City, Ogden and Provo
Segments cover a wide range of outdoor recreational opportunities including Hunting, Off Highway Vehicles, Fishing, Camping, Hiking, Off-Highway Vehicles, Boating, Family Recreation, Skiing, First Aid, Preparedness, Safety, Snowmobiling, Photography, Wildlife Viewing, Adventure Travel, etc.
Stop by our website at or for news and activities.
Join our Facebook Fansite at
Backcountry Radio Network
From seagrass to sunfish, dugongs to diatoms, Naked Oceans uncovers the hidden secrets of the sea. Join us in conversation with top marine experts as we explore the latest ocean science and conservation and answer your aquatic questions.
Naked Oceans from the Naked Scientists
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