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Contemporary drama in a rural setting from the world's longest running radio soap opera.
BBC Radio 4
Munchcast is a weekly netcast that highlights and celebrates junk food. Enjoy mouthwatering new episodes at Your guides on this fattening but delicious jaunt are Cammy Blackstone and Leo Laporte.
Cammy Blackstone and Leo Laporte
Backcountry Utah is Utah’s premiere outdoor radio program, which airs drivetime weekdays on six stations across Utah– From Moab to the Idaho Border.
Stations currently include–
97.1 FM KCYN in Moab
750 AM KOAL in Price
1340 AM KTMP in Heber
1490 AM KCPX in Spanish Valley
630 AM KTKK in Salt Lake City, Ogden and Provo
Segments cover a wide range of outdoor recreational opportunities including Hunting, Off Highway Vehicles, Fishing, Camping, Hiking, Off-Highway Vehicles, Boating, Family Recreation, Skiing, First Aid, Preparedness, Safety, Snowmobiling, Photography, Wildlife Viewing, Adventure Travel, etc.
Stop by our website at or for news and activities.
Join our Facebook Fansite at
Backcountry Radio Network
A weekly podcast about psychology's past, including interviews with notable historians of psychology.
This Week in the History of Psychology
Lectures given to support my PSY 216 Social Psychology course at Portland Community College, Portland Oregon, USA. Only the last half of the class is being podcast. These are ENHANCED podcasts -- open your artwork & video viewer to see the slides.
Social Psychology Lectures
The Stanford Storytelling Project brings the power of performed stories to Stanford. Through live events, courses, and grants, the project gives students the opportunity to experience the transformative nature of great stories and better understand how they work. Through weekly workshops, monthly storytelling performances, and a podcasted radio show, the project also gives students the opportunity to craft and tell their own great stories.
Stanford Storytelling Project
Security Podcast: Audio Version of Bruce Schneier's Monthly Crypto-Gram Newsletter
"Crypto-Gram is a free monthly e-mail newsletter from security expert Bruce Schneier, with over 100,000 readers. In its seven years of regular publication, Crypto-Gram has become one of the most widely read forums for free-wheeling discussions, pointed critiques, and serious debate about security. As head curmudgeon at the table, Schneier explains, debunks, and draws lessons from security stories that make the news."
Crypto-Gram Security Podcast
Discussions with Scholars of Foreign Policy about their New Books
New Books in Foreign Policy
상담과 심리학이 사회적 공공재로 사용되기를 바랍니다. The Commons를 더 많이 생성해 내기 위한 노력입니다.
이승욱의 공공상담소
A podcast about Windows Powershell
Discussions with Political Scientists about their New Books
New Books in Political Science
Dr. Howard Gurr is a licensed psychologist who provides psychological information when YOU are ready to hear it.
The Shrink Is In- The Podcast Voice of Psychology
Die Deutsche Welle hat seit ihrem Bestehen (1953) immer wieder über die wichtigsten Meilensteine in der Historie Deutschlands entweder direkt berichtet oder an sie erinnert. Interviews, Statements, Studiodiskussionen oder auch Features zu aktuellen Themen - oder zu deren Jahrestagen - waren ständig Bestandteil des Programms. Die Reihe beginnt mit einem Feature über die Währungsreform im Jahr 1948, in dem Zeitzeugen die Atmosphäre der damaligen Zeit schildern. Die Berufung Bonns zur Bundeshauptstadt, die Schaffung des Bundesgerichtshofes, das deutsch-israelische Wiedergutmachungsabkommen, der Volksaufstand 17. Juni 1953 in der DDR, der Mauerbau oder auch die Ratifizierung der Ostverträge durch den Deutschen Bundestag – dies sind nur einige Beispiele der Themen, die in dieser Podcastreihe behandelt werden, wo auch zahlreiche Personen der deutschen Geschichte zu Wort kommen.
Zeitreise: Meilensteine | Deutsche Welle
DW-WORLD.DE | Deutsche Welle
A panel of expert guests, including some celebrity scientists, will debate ethical dilemmas facing humankind in front of a local audience. RTÉ's Big Science Debate is hosted by Rachel English.
RTÉ - Big Science Debate
Psychology In Seattle is a podcast about everything related to psychology and Seattle. Weekly episodes include research, interviews, entertainment, singing songs, news and psychology topics. The host, Kirk Honda, is a licensed therapist practicing in Seattle. Accompanying him are his goofy co-hosts, Lita Vallis, Jody Braverman and Humberto Castaneda.
Psychology in Seattle
OBWeb is the official website of the Organizational Behavior division of the Academy of Management.
Under New Management Podcasts
Wellness and Effectiveness Through Mindfulness
The Potent Mind
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