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Space Patrol a 1950s TV and Radio Show follows the adventures of Commander Buzz Corey (Ed Kemmer) of the United Planets Space Patrol and his young sidekick Cadet Happy (Lyn Osborn) â yes, Cadet Happy â as they faced nefarious villians with diabolical schemes. Not surprisingly for the time, some of these villians had Russian- or German-sounding accents. Cmdr. Corey and his allies were aided by such nifty gadgets as "miniature space-o-phones" and "atomolights." Episodes had titles like "Revolt of the Space Rats" and "The Menace of Planet X".
Space Patrol TV
Where local stories from the "Land of Sauk Rapids", MN come alive.
EwArt Productions gives you fact-filled and entertaining coverage of works of art, artists, and concepts, all "in just a minute." Hosted by art historian Christopher L. C. E. Witcombe.
Art History in Just a Minute
In 2009 we are celebrating the 150th anniversary of the publication of one of the most important books ever written, Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species, and the 200th Anniversary of Darwin’s birth. Join us for events throughout the year and throughout the city to explore Darwin's many contributions to science, the latest findings in evolution & biodiversity, and the profound implications of these discoveries for society today.
Vancouver Evolution Festival
Misery loves company. MondoMouth is just a guy...a guy with problems...a guy with problems and a shiny new blog...and he's not afraid to use it! Some PR guy we paid a lot of $$$ described MondoMouth as "Rye observational humor mixed in with irreverent storytelling." Better stop payment on that check fast!!!
Die Abrafaxe sind drei unternehmungslustige Abenteurer, die seit 1976 durch Raum und Zeit reisen und dabei die unglaublichsten Geschichten erleben. Sie tauchen ein in die Welt des antiken Griechenlands, helfen der ägyptischen Königin Nofretete bei der Verteidigung ihres Reiches, reisen quer durch Japan und China und statten auch dem Amerika der Goldenen Zwanziger Jahre einen Besuch ab.
Gerade hat es die drei Freunde ins deutsche Mittelalter verschlagen, wo sie sich gemeinsam mit der kleinen Magd Johanna auf die Suche nach dem Stein der Weisen begeben. Mit detailverliebten Zeichnungen, historisch genau nachempfundenen Kulissen, aufwändig recherchierten Hintergründen und der nötigen Portion an Spannung und Humor wird in diesem Podcast das Deutschland des 13. Jahrhunderts lebendig. Überzeugt euch selbst: So finster, wie man oft meint, war das Mittelalter gar nicht!
ABRAFAXE - Die unglaubliche Reise der Abrafaxe
The Museum of English Rural Life was founded by the University of Reading in 1951 to reflect and record the changing face of farming and the countryside.
MERL houses Designated collections of national importance that span the full range of objects, archives, photographs, film and books. Today, it forms part of the University's Museums and Collections Service.
MERL: Museum of English Rural Life
ABC7 Chicago - Chicagoing
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"Chicagoing" is a weekly program which showcases Chicago's rich history, the promise of its future and the people, places and possibilities of Chicago today. From conversation on difficult issues like homelessness and racism to celebrity interviews with Dan Ackroyd and Jackie Mason, "Chicagoing" keeps alive the "lively art of conversation," a tradition on Chicago television.
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"one" dance vlog is the essence of my existence. It's an eternal dance and it never end...
Dance Vlog
More Than Enuf is a rock band from Saskatoon, SK. We make music, smiles and podcasts. Join us in our daily lives as we embark on a quest for success!
More Than Enuf Podcast (iPod)
Music videos of senior photo sessions from Beth Forester Photography, located in Madison WV.
Forester Photo Videos
Los videos están para complementar el contenido del podcast "Desde el baño": temas relacionados con el vocabulario y expresiones de la Argentina. Empezaron siendo parte de él, pero decidí subirlos por separado. Perdonen la calidad, hago lo que puedo con la cámara digital que tengo.
Videos (Desde el baño)
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