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Winecast is a podcast aimed at promoting the enjoyment of wine for both beginning and more experienced wine lovers. Each show focuses on a wine variety, region or producer and provides listeners with background, tasting notes and related subjects.
It's a show that explores cooking, eating and thinking about food through conversations with locally and nationally known culinary professionals. Be sure to check out the companion stories on Wednesdays in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer or on
On Food with Hsiao-Ching Chou
Basic Brewing Radio is a weekly chat about homebrewing - brewing the best beer and mead in the world in your own home.
Basic Brewing Radio
Hip Hop & Hummus, is weekly radio show hosted by Jason Daks on the worlds greatest radio station KSFS at San Francisco State. Hip Hop and Hummus showcases Hip Hop artists' around the globe and locally, while discussing everything from food to politics to pulling hat tricks. Catch us every friday live from 4:00pm- 6:00pm Pacific/Standard Time at Call the show (415) 338-1532
Hip Hop & Hummus on KSFS
How to Eat Supper
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American Public Media
Jamie Oliver wants to start a food revolution to get people across Britain cooking fresh food again. These simple and delicious recipes will help you get started. Once you feel comfortable making a particular recipe, Pass It On to at least two of your friends, family or work mates and start your Pass It On Chain! at
Jamie's Ministry of Food Recipes
Look at our reviews, people hate us! Emo kids, Roleplaying Geeks, Andrea Bocelli fans and Brazillians all are compelled to bash our shows... The list is growing! Still here? Welcome to the Beer Report! If you are looking for another NPR style beer tasting show... You are probably going to be disappointed. Who are we kidding? There are about 20 podcasts that sniff, swallow, twaddle and judge beer like fine wine. We are not one of those! Think of us as the beer podcast for the "Joe Six Pack" set... (And we are not talking about abs!) The Beer Report is about "confrontation" as CHUD would say... The beer is the catalyst to everything else that is created... Comedy, vulgarity, offensive points of view abound ahead! Listen at your own risk!... Don't say you were not warned!
The Beer Report
Are you a busy person who just never got around to learning the basics of cooking? We built just for you. You'll learn how to make quick and tasty meals, plus learn the basic cooking skills you'll need. Get ready to start cooking!
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Join host Jennifer Iannolo in the place where food and sensuality meet. Indulge your mind and palate in a sensual exploration of food, and discover what passions motivate some of the world's greatest chefs. Food Philosophy is a production of The Culinary Media Network.
Food Philosophy
Produced and recorded in the studios of Kootenay Co-op Radio in Nelson, British Columbia, Deconstructing Dinner explores food issues that affect you. Join host Jon Steinman and guests as they expose the stories behind our food and discuss more sustainable methods of getting this food into our stomachs. The show is not restricted to only current affairs, but probes into the processes and actions to which we have all become so accustomed throughout our daily routine, and "deconstructs" them to achieve a more discriminating awareness.
Deconstructing Dinner
Since 2005 Mark, Mike and Rick have covered the west coast's beer scene and brought it here for you. We're a podcast that respects beer, made by people who make beer, as well as judge beer. We don't have a lot of flash, but if you want to learn more about beer - the styles, ingredients, history and taste, we're certain you'll enjoy this show.
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Stumptown Vegans Restaurant Reviews are two Portland food bloggers opinions and adventures with the vegan food they have encountered while eating out around our beautiful city. We have started podcasting on a regular basis. Get to know the voices of the vegan women behind the podcasts, and learn more about their experiences in Portland with vegan food and more.
Stumptown Vegans Podcasts
une selection poussiereuse sur radio FMR 89.1 MHz Toulouse. Le mercredi de 19h a 20h. plein de vieilleries. de bizarreries en tous genres. Amateurs geniaux. stars incomprises. maitres incontestes, artistes contemporains extraprolifiques. nerds insomniaques bidouilleurs de fichiers .WAV ou superstars de la pop Srilankaise.
"What the Pod?" is a program brought to you by the denizens of "DeRosa's Lounge", the Pacific Northwest's best nomadic lounge. Specializing in all Things SOUTH PUGET SOUND, "What the Pod" brings you the best in music, culture, entertainment, nightlife and more from the South Puget Sound. Hosted by Weekly Volcano columnist Steph Derosa and producer David Jaedyn Conley. Brought to you by The Weekly Volcano and Mydnyte Productions in Tacoma Washington. © 2009 Steph DeRosa & Mydnyte Productions
"What the Pod?" brought to you from DeRosa's Lounge
Each episode features the latest whisky news, a calendar of upcoming events, and interviews with whisky experts. For more information, links, and a complete archive of episodes, visit
American Public Media's The Splendid Table is public radio's culinary, culture, and lifestyle program that celebrates food and its ability to touch the lives and feed the souls of everyone. Each week, award-winning host Lynne Rossetto Kasper leads listeners on a journey of the senses and hosts discussions with a variety of writers and personalities who share their passion for the culinary delights updated every Friday.
APM: The Splendid Table
American Public Media
The Beyond Organic radio show is a 60-minute environmental radio and multimedia program that addresses issues of organic food and farming, social and environmental sustainability. The show offers news, interviews and research that fills a void left by public and private broadcasters.
Beyond Organic
Need more CBR? This feed contains our extra, less beer oriented, pre and post shows.
Craft Beer Radio - Extra Feed
Recipes, interviews and the story behind your favorite foods from Morning Edition, All Things Considered and other award-winning NPR programs.
NPR: Food Podcast
The show dedicated to craft beer and the craft brewing industry.
Craft Beer Radio - Podcast Feed
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