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Phil's Gang
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Phil's Gang

Phil has been an entrepreneur all his life. He has used his business skills to take over privately held companies, which were in or near bankruptcy and reorganize them. Phil would identify their illness and write a prescription to bring them back to health by replacing management, funding them with his own capital, and through private placement. PHIL'S GANG is the brainchild of Phil Grande, along with his stock Dog "Bud-Z". Later he was joined by his now spouse/partner Marta.

Phil is your host daily Monday - Friday, from 3:00 to 4:00 pm EST. PHIL'S GANG is the country's premier stock market educational resource that tells you exactly what Wall Street does not want you to know!

Tune in to Phil daily, as he help's you learn how to navigate the markets with humorous, comprehensive and independent knowledge you simply cannot find anywhere else!
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