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J.C. Hutchins is an award-winning fiction and nonfiction storyteller, with 15 years of professional writing experience. His two novels – 7th Son: Descent and Personal Effects: Dark Art — were published in 2009 by St. Martin’s Press.
J.C. Hutchins
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CONWAY is a collaboration of musicians, writers, programmers and producers fronted by Francie Conway.
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The Big Adventure is a series for nomads, roamers and other wide-eyed dreamers who actually think it's fun to abseil down cliffs in a snowstorm or hunt whales in skin kayaks. A series for people willing to truly immerse themselves in the world around them - to sip tea with Bedouins or even, Tory Islanders. To experience life to the max, diving into it, skiing down it, clambering up it with picks and shackles in the face of a force ten gale.
RTÉ - The Big Adventure
Now in its fourth decade on the airwaves Sunday Miscellany is one of Ireland's longest running shows on RTE Radio 1. Today the programme's mix of 'music and musings' continues to be as fresh as ever with contributions to the programme coming from open submissions and commissioned work delivered on the air with new voices complementing more established writers across each programme. From radio essays to reportage, appreciations, memory pieces, poetry, travel writing to personal accounts of events and happenings this programme is essential listening on the radio and the web to thousands of people all over the world.
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"I've spent a long time waiting in the background
but it's all cool 'cause I'm definately back now" Best mixes on planet Earth. DJs, radio, performing artists, educators, and more. Get a free podcast, share your faves. Only on PodOmatic.
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4-part science series, presented by Ella McSweeney, which gives listeners a window on marine biology and oceanography in Irish seas.
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Irish-based MP3 blog - Indie, Electronica, Hip-Hop - A Chronicle of Musical Delights
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A collection of educational programming from across RTÉ Radio with a special emphasis on The Leaving Certificate
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RTÉ - The Eleventh Hour
Join Vincent Browne for his unique mix of tribunals, politics and entertainment.
Vincent Browne is one of Ireland's best known print and broadcast journalists. His controversial interviewing style is a sign of his determination to get at the facts and that makes the programme compelling listening.
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Lyric Notes, presented by Maire Nic Gearailt, aims to provide a varied musical listening experience, ranging from early music through the baroque, classical and romantic eras through to music of our own time. Lots of great singers, as well as music for orchestra, chamber ensembles and solo instruments
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