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Release Order bietet die wichtigsten Nachrichten aus und für NRW multimedial aufbereitet,begleitende Informationen zu Fernseh-Sendungen und Radio-Programmen sowie zahlreiche Audios und Videos auf Abruf. ist das Online-Angebot des Westdeutschen Rundfunks.
Westdeutscher Rundfunk
Hier hören Sie jederzeit das aktuelle Programm von NDR Kultur
NDR Kultur
Schweizer Radio: Radio der deutschen und rätoromanischen Schweiz (SR DRS)
Schweizer Radio DRS
Listen Germany SWR 2 - SWR2 91.8 FM Live Radio Online - Free Internet Radio Station Streaming Broadcast Channel.
Fritz (Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg)
Vorläufer von Funkhaus Europa waren die so genannten „Gastarbeiterprogramme“, mit denen der WDR und andere Rundfunkanstalten der ARD seit 1961 der wachsenden Zahl von ausländischen Arbeitnehmern in Deutschland gerecht werden wollten.
Funkhaus Europa
Die Süddeutsche Zeitung (Abkürzung SZ) ist mit einer verkauften Auflage von 430.513 Exemplaren[1] die größte deutsche überregionale Abonnement-Tageszeitung
Süddeutsche Zeitung Audio
SR 2 KulturRadio est le deuxième programme de la Saarländischer Rundfunk. Il s’agit d’une radio à vocation culturelle. Sa devise est "...gut zu hören".
SR 2 Kulturradio
SR-online: Startseite
The Maxigumee Show
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CraftSanity is a place to escape the daily grind and renew your creative spirit through interviews with creative people.
CraftSanity's Offical podcast
Artists from '716: Fine Art' talk about their work one day at a time.
716: Artist Commentary
Pencilheads gives you the (semi) weekly entertainment and pop-culture fix you crave!
Voices of Design is a series of audio and video interviews with creative professionals who discuss their work, inspiration, influences, and how Adobe tools make it possible to explore new avenues in design for print, web, animation, video, and film.
Voices of Design
The V&A is one of the world's greatest museum of art and design, with collections unrivalled in their scope and diversity. From modernist kitchens to iconic t-shirt designs, by way of Medieval plastercasts and contemporary tapestry, these podcasts capture the diverse cultural life of the museum.
Victoria & Albert Museum - Art, Design, Culture
Focus on Flowers is a program on flowers and gardening hosted by Moya Andrews and produced by WFIU Public Media in Bloomington, Indiana.
WFIU: Focus on Flowers Podcast
SMAC is a WebTV channel focusing on contemporary art.
The channel includes coverage of major art events, interviews with influential art world personalities, and general themes surrounding the art world such as how art is created; how art is taught; what the relationship between art and the environment is; how and where art affects social and political changes; and whatʼs happening in the art market. is a ScribeLabs initiative.
SMAC: ScribeMedia Art Culture
Chris Oatley is a visual development artist and content creator for film, television and other media. The aim of this podcast is to inform and inspire creatives of all types and to reveal and record the process behind his work.
Chris Oatley's ArtCast
Scott Johnson talks about the comic he creates through the week.
Diary of a Cartoonist
The show that explores timeless design principles and explains them simply. We discuss graphic design in particular, and design in general, to equip you with lessons in process, inspiration, and practice. Get a new concept under your belt in mere minutes and unleash your creativity.
Design Guy
Treeline podcasts focus on landscape architecture and architecture in everyday life. They are supplements to articles written by Adam Regn Arvidson and published in a variety of national magazines.
Experience the extraordinary lives of Sara and Gerald Murphy and the couple’s influence on a remarkable constellation of creative individuals that flourished in Paris and the French Riviera in the 1920s and 1930s. Friends of Cole Porter, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and Pablo Picasso, the Murphys strove to make something beautiful of their lives through “living well,” creating art, and encouraging their artistic friends. The result was some of the most noteworthy literature, music, theater, and art of the last century. Currently on display at the Dallas Museum of Art through September 14, 2008, the exhibition was organized by the Williams College Museum of Art, Williamstown, MA.
Dallas Museum of Art :: Making it New
Show to jumpstart creativity and sketchbooking for illustrators, designers, hobbyists and other artists. Getting you to enforce the good habits, nix the bad ones and motivate yourself as a more productive and successful creative. Hosted by Brian E. Young
SketcheeBook: The Creativity Productivity Podcast
Bonnie Lyn McCaffery, author of Portrait Quilts Painted Faces You Can Do, tells short philosophical stories about her travel adventures. Find out whats new at
001Life Lessons of a Traveling Quilt Artist
Podcast about knitting, spinning, fiber and my local S&B group.
WeaveCast: A podcast for handweavers. Join host, Syne Mitchell, and her guests each month to discuss handlooms and the people who use them.
WeaveCast: The Podcast for Weavers
On, host Alison Lee takes you through the world of Crafting, from interviews, product reviews, and do it yourself tutorials. is the only podcast where you can listen, learn, and create!
The Peabody Award-winning Studio 360 with Kurt Andersen, from PRI and WNYC, is public radio’s smart and surprising guide to what's happening in pop culture and the arts. Each week, Kurt Andersen introduces you to the people who are creating and shaping our culture. Life is busy – so let Studio 360 steer you to the must-see movie this weekend, the next book for your nightstand, or the song that will change your life.
Studio 360 with Kurt Andersen
Public Radio International/WNYC
ELEKTROCAST V2.0 - Podcasting the finest electronic music! Powered By Elektrotribe records in Berlin, the podcast features weekly episodes of elektrotribe artist network, including videos produced by our Vjs, dj mixes and live acts. The finest electronic music served on a dish, choose your feed style : Elektro / DnB / Hiphop / trance, put the volume up and Enjoy!
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