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Interviews with authors about their books, their writing habits, their favorite novels, and how they got started writing.
Reading And Writing Podcast
Experts discuss art, history, politics, religion, science, and more.
Forum Network | Public Domain Podcast Podcast
A hobby shenanigans podcast by a Jane of all trades: knitting, sewing, costumes, doll collecting, action figures, entertainment, and much, much more.
Alyrenee's Copious Spare Time
Brian Lehrer and his guests take on the issues dominating conversation in New York and around the world. This daily program from WNYC, New York Public Radio cuts through the usual talk radio punditry and brings a smart, humane approach to the day's events.
WNYC's Brian Lehrer Show
WNYC Culture
Enterprise and Industry talks and discussion with students, staff and graduates
Industry Talks
Teaching and comments by Peter Arcese on classics of world literature
Brilliant Minds
(12 June, 1892 to 18 June, 1982)
Here is unique series of new recordings of Djuna Barnes' short stories and poems. This American writer played an important part in the development of 20th Century English language modernist writing, She was a key figures in 1920-30s bohemian Paris after filling a similar role in the Greenwich Village of the teens. Her novel Nightwood, with its introduction by T. S. Eliot, is a cult work of modern fiction. She stands out today for her distinctive writing style and her portrayals of lesbian themes. Since Barnes's death, interest in her work has grown and many of her books are back in print.
Djuna Barnes - Selected Works
Deutsch - warum nicht? 系列一 | 学德语 | Deutsche Welle
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亚琛、欧洲饭店。半工半读的新闻系大学生安德里亚斯在那里打工。当住在10号房间的一位著名音乐家突然消失时,原本就有趣的故事更多了一丝悬念。主要语法:动词变位、代词、简单疑问句、第四格。 ...testing
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Learn Hebrew Pod - The first conversational Hebrew course by podcasts. Learn to speak conversational Hebrew the way it is spoken in Israel. Practice your Hebrew pronunciation and accent while expanding your vocabulary and conversational skills with sabra native Israeli teachers. Suitable for all levels
Learn Hebrew Pod - Learn Conversational Hebrew by Podcasts and Audio Lessons
Legal TIPS ( Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section ) is designed to present you with a balanced discussion of thought-provoking issues and suggest creative approaches and solutions to problems that arise in the practice of tort and insurance law.
Legal TIPS
Craigslist Foundation's Boot Camp connects people to tools and resources they need to build stronger communities.
Craigslist Foundation's Boot Camp
A weekly podcast tracing the rise, decline and fall of the Roman Empire. Visit us at
The History of Rome
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