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America's funniest auto mechanics take calls from weary car owners all over the country, and crack wise while they diagnose Dodges and dismiss Diahatsus. You don't have to know anything about cars to love this one hour weekly laugh fest.
NPR: Car Talk Podcast
The Finer Points is a weekly educational aviation podcast that blends tips from Jason Miller, one of San Franciscos leading Certified Flight Instructors with contemporary music. Charming and informative, TFP delivers all sorts of CFI wisdom.
The Finer Points - Aviation Podcast
The Monocle Weekly signs on with a mix of smart discussion, previews, field reports and feature interviews. From our studio in London and our bureaux in Tokyo and New York, Monocle's editors focus on the horizon and explore the looming stories within the five areas that define our editorial agenda: global affairs, business, culture, design and consumer culture. Sponsored by TOTO. For more information about Monocle’s print and online offerings please visit
The Monocle Weekly
Chris Oatley is a visual development artist and content creator for film, television and other media. The aim of this podcast is to inform and inspire creatives of all types and to reveal and record the process behind his work.
Chris Oatley's ArtCast
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We like to create worlds of fantasy, sci-fi and other genres. In each episode, we brainstorm a new setting. Come and join us!
Crucible of Realms
Hello fellow P.O.P! People Of Purpose! How is life on this big Blue Marble that we call home? Good For You!! I am Moreno L Jackson. I am also known as "THE MOTIVATOR'! I am a Nationally known Author, Motivational Speaker, Writer and now a Blog Radio Host!!I recently released my Book: Be Well!! Be Safe !! Be U!! Bring The Noise!! My MySpace Blogs Volume I!It is available on Amazon.Com as well as Barnes& Noble.Com and their Store to name a few of our 13 distributors. You can also order directly from this site or, is $12.95 well spent! Our book is a result of a popular weekly Blog that I post on MySpace. A Blog I am proud to say has readership in the Thousands! I respect my peers Zig Ziglar, Les Brown and Tony Robbins.But, yeah but I am not your Fathers Motivational Speaker!!Change is Good! Different is Good! My Goal is to Motivate and to Entertain you! I also want to provide Tips and Power Thinker Stragies to keeping your days on a High! That is a Win Win! Each day we have two choices! One be up and positive! Two be down and lonely!I will make sure that you are Uplifted, Smiling and Motivated!You may even dance a little! We all have to work and preparing ourselves mentally will lead to Success in all areas of our lives! In my Live program you are going to be Motivated and Entertained! I present my programs with a Chris Rock,Linkin Park,Jay Z Swagger! High Energy!! We have too have it! Life is Good!! To help others is Good! It truly will help us!! Allow yourself to be humbled! Love yourself! You are unique! You are loved! You have meaning!Good For You! Please do this now.Stand Up!! Say to yourself.I love you!I love you!Then give yourself 5 pats on the back! I'll bet you smiled! For more information please see
THE MOTIVATOR! Motivational Speaker and PublishedAuthor | Blog Talk Radio Feed
A Good Story is Hard to Find
A Good Story is Hard to Find
Live life with a Touch of Style! Join host Robin Walker, Style Coach and Chief Image Officer to some of the nation's leading men, for an entertaining, often humorous, perspective on Image, Fashion, Style and Life in general, every Monday at 2pm CST. Visit Robin at
Tailored Edges™ with Robin Walker | Blog Talk Radio Feed
Another great show through the Law of Attraction Talk Radio Network: In recent years, the Law of Attraction has become the new buzz phrase for directing your thoughts and emotions to positively attract what you want in your life. However, many people have reported that despite their best efforts to deliberately use the Law of Attraction, they have not experienced the level of abundance and prosperity for which they hoped.
Master Your Universe focuses on providing techniques and exercises that will help you become the master of your own universe. It is possible to create what you want in your life. The first step is to dismantle limiting beliefs that often block the prosperity, good health and joy we seek. Tune in to listen to Sabrina Kinckle and co-host Jane Strassel to learn more about how you can reprogram your mind to eliminate limiting beliefs and begin creating a personal reality that will add to your life and the lives of others.
Another great show through the Law of Attraction Radio Network.
Master Your Universe | Blog Talk Radio Feed
Inspiration, ideas and innovation all rolled in to one internet radio hour. Join me, Julie Cusmariu, Intuitive Consultant, Life Coach and host of Heart Beat each Wednesday at 4pm EST. Tune in live or through the archives to hear conversations with individuals who live and lead with their heart. Get ready to raise the volumne on your own Heart Beat.
Julie offers life coaching and intuition tips to callers throughout the hour.
It will be great to meet you on the air waves.
Heart Beat- internet radio with a pulse. Conversations with individuals who live and lead with their heart. | Blog Talk Radio Feed
Real Talk With Tanya White a lifestyle, relationship and news entertainment show, is brought to you by, features various guests that include, celebrities, artists, authors, small business owners, public speakers, consultants, media personality and other influential guests who will address REAL TALK about REAL ISSUES to enhance your REAL LIFE.
Tanya White and her electrifying guests as they inspire, ignite and influence you to quickly change your “No I Can’t” attitudes into “Yes I Can” actions.
Tune in every Thursday night at 7:00 P.M. Listener call-in number (347) 215-6446. All thoughts & opinions are welcomed and will be respected.
Real Talk With Tanya White | Blog Talk Radio Feed
Hear who author and Relationship Educator,Roland Hinds will interview next right here on TruVue Relationship Radio.
TruVue Relationship Radio with your host Roland is the hottest radio show to discuss "real" relationships topics online. Real Therapist! Real Physicians! Real Stories!
As the executive producer and host, Roland Hinds is committed to bringing you the listeners educational material. There is no faking here!
Relationship Educator, Roland Hinds new book titled "Are You The Right One For Me? Whose Choice Is It Anyway?" will be released in December 2009. Visit on how you may be able purchase an autographed copy of the book in advance.
Find out how can win gift cards in an upcoming contest ending February 12, 2010, by visiting While you are there sign up to get updates on lectures, seminars, retreats, and other upcoming events.
We will be doing it big in 2010 and you will want to be a part of it!
If you would like request a radio, television, or print interview with Roland, you are encouraged to the show at
Call Roland at (646)716-8385 and speak with the guest(s) he has each week. Don't forget to register and chat in the TruVue chat room.
TruVue Relationship Radio with Roland | Blog Talk Radio Feed
The Susan Powter Radio Show
The Susan Powter Radio Show | Blog Talk Radio Feed
An Hour to empower with Mo & Mickey empowers, inspires, motivates and uplifts men, women and their to make healthy life choices. Our guest includes authors, poets, business owners, ministers and. Listen as we discuss topics such as relationships, marriage, dating, how to write and publish a book, entrepreneurship, current events and much more……..
An Hour To Empower With Mo & Mickey | Blog Talk Radio Feed
It's all about me and my friends and the world we revolve in. We are the Real Housewives of Tennessee! Our lives have more drama and more cat fights than Orange County can imagine. We also have more back stabbing and husband stealing stories to tell of than Atlanta could dream of, not to mention the insane amount of face-offs and more oneupmanship than NYC will ever know. Yes, Tennessee Housewives has everything they all have plus we can do it wearing daisy duke shorts & 6" high heels! Now try that on for size, Vicki!! Whoo Hoo!!
carol itoh | Blog Talk Radio Feed
Bluepride Radio is the definitive show for gay and lesbian law enforcement professionals from around the world. Connect with one another to get the latest news affecting our community, exchange ideas and opinions, and share information from your area.
BluePride Radio | Blog Talk Radio Feed
Give Away A Dollar A Day is the fun and simple way to practice unconditional giving. It's just like it sounds - you give away one dollar, every day. The best way to do this is anonymously, and in a public place. But what really makes this practice so genuine and empowering is that
YOU decide where and how to give away your dollar. Previous guests include Joe Vitale, Rick Barrett, John Maisel, David Guthrie and Mr. 20/20. Another great show from the Law of Attraction Radio Network.
GiveAwayADollarADay | Blog Talk Radio Feed
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