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John Selig Outspoken features interviews with GLBT leaders and opinion makers, discussions with GLBT writers and commentaries from me - John Selig, your host. All this plus music from electronic music virtuoso, Jeffrey Reid Baker. Please visit our blog for more information about John Selig Outspoken at
John Selig Outspoken
Talk Theatre in Chicago leads you through this week's Chicago Theatre News.
Talk Theatre News
MikeyPod is a weekly podsafe/specially cleared music podcast with a widely varied collection of music. The general vibe is alternative and indie with just a sprinkling of new classical, avant-garde and experimental electronics.
High energy underground podsafe rock and roll from the planet Marseille and around the world with many contributions from consenting rockstars. Live concerts, interviews, new albums, dead bands, noisy ambience, laughs and continuous connections around the music world and more. Most of the time in English, quelquefois en Français sur des sujets précis, fur Spass bald in Deutsch !!
The Common Hour aims to provide an occasion for faculty, students, and staff to absent themselves from daily concerns, gather in common spaces, and engage in the ideas of speakers and the presentations of artists, and with each other in discussion of shared interests and concerns. This podcast features highlights of the Common Hour series at Bowdoin College.
Common Hour
Interviews, lectures, readings and more from the staff and contributors of The New York Review of Books
The New York Review of Books Podcast
A weekly review of the best new music from the staff of The Hartford Courant.
Your hosts are Eric R. Danton, Courant Rock Critic, and Stephen Busemeyer, a Courant editor and CD reviewer. Guest commentary is brought to you by Eric Gershon, a Courant business reporter who has written about music for the Boston Phoenix and other publications; Babe Zero, a former Courant photo editor; Elizabeth Zuhl, a graphic designer at The Courant, and Regine Labossiere, a writer at The Courant who has unprintable accents in her name.
Soundcheck Podcast
Европа и Центральная Азия: Europa und Zentralasien
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"Европа и Центральная Азия" - это интервью, аналитика, репортажи на темы, затрагивающие внутриполитические события в странах региона, а также отношения центральноазиатских государств и Евросоюза. ...testing
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Your first podcast of the week is the last word in tech. Join Leo Laporte, Patrick Norton, Kevin Rose, John C. Dvorak, and other tech luminaries in a roundtable discussion of the latest trends in high tech. Winner of People's Choice Podcast and Best Technology Podcast in the 2005 People's Choice Podcast Awards. Released every Sunday at midnight Pacific.
this WEEK in TECH - MP3 Edition
Cammy Blackstone and Leo Laporte
Hudson Institute challenges conventional thinking and helps manage strategic transitions to the future through interdisciplinary and collaborative studies in defense, international relations, economics, culture, science, technology, and law. Through publications, conferences and policy recommendations, we seek to guide global leaders in government and business. This podcast contains audio and video coverage of Hudson conferences, discussions, and other events.
Hudson Institute
Leading source for news, video and opinion on politics, business, world and national news, science, travel, entertainment and more. Our local coverage includes reporting on education, crime, weather, traffic, real estate, jobs and cars for DC, Maryland and Virginia. Offering award-winning opinion writing, entertainment information and restaurant reviews.
From The Pages of The Post
A weekly podcast for people who love weather. A team of meteorologists discuss current weather events and hot topics involving meteorology.
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