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Podcast Highlights: Amanda Ripley discusses the thought process that people encounter during a disaster. Ripley talks about some counterproductive things that occur in human cognition during a disaster and she discusses the effectiveness of preparedness and its effect on human reaction during extreme situations. Also, she discusses the surprising, yet common characteristics of human behavior that are more helpful than expected. Get the details by listening to this podcast.
Get Ready Report
KQED's live call-in program presents wide-ranging discussions of local, state, national and international issues, as well as in-depth interviews.
KQED's Forum
Weekly interview program on politics, culture, and faith hosted by author Derek P. Gilbert.
A View From the Bunker
Discussions applying the 10th Amendment and the constitution to historical issues and the most pressing concerns of today.
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This podcast is a crash course about how to think like a Master Composter and the education goes well beyond composting.
Beyond the composting basics, you will learn how to:
- Understand your soil
- Manage worm bins, green cones and other composters
- Control insects and other problems
- Mitigate the effects of global warming through organic practices
This Seattle Tilth series is narrated by Joshua McNichols, a volunteer with the Master Composter/Soil Builder program. In addition to the Master Composter program, Seattle Tilth offers organic gardening classes for adults and kids, demonstration gardens, volunteer opportunities, educational events, and a hotline for gardening questions.
Composting: A Seattle Tilth Podcast
Peek inside the Berkman Center's Video Fishbowl: Conversations with leading cyber-scholars, entrepreneurs, activists, and policymakers as they explore the bleeding edge of the internet and technology, democracy, law, and society. (Also available as audio) From the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University
Berkman Center for Internet and Society: Video Fishbowl
When the Army Rise television campaign first aired it met with a great public reaction and numerous requests for downloads of the campaign and the music that accompanies it. As a response, we've now made the music available as a podcast on the iTunes Music Store. Make sure you also head over to to see the video, download the music as an MP3 or ringtone and grab the original sheet music.
Army Rise - the Soundtrack
Fresh from Beijing, PopupChinese teaches Chinese as it is actually spoken. Start with our basic Chinese lessons, and in no time you'll be speaking like a Beijinger. Our free daily podcasts, vibrant community, and love for the real China make us the most powerful and personal way to learn mandarin.
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Richmond Fed President's, Jeffrey M. Lacker's, prepared remarks. The views expressed in these speeches are those of President Lacker and not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond or of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
President Jeff Lacker - Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
Britt Bravo interviews nonprofit workers, social entrepreneurs, green visionaries and social changemakers. Bravo was named the 2007 Best Podcaster/Blogger Most Dedicated to Social Change by the East Bay Express. Interview transcripts are available on her blog, Have Fun Do Good.
For more information go to,
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Every month, Boys' Life magazine publishes the true stories of Scouts who used their emergency training to save lives or help other people. Now, you can hear about the rescues from the participants themselves in the Scouts in Action podcasts.
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Brian Lehrer and his guests take on the issues dominating conversation in New York and around the world. This daily program from WNYC, New York Public Radio cuts through the usual talk radio punditry and brings a smart, humane approach to the day's events.
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Each episode explores a specific way in which the work of Congress has made a difference in people's lives - from food safety and health research to the interstate highway system.
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Anti-fascist researcher Dave Emory (spelled E-M-O-R-Y) goes into all the hidden truths and details about evil men and their trade practices.
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Today, more than 1,000 CASA program offices operate in 49 states. Nearly 70,000 highly trained CASA volunteers (sometimes called guardians ad litem, or GAL volunteers) speak out for 240,000 abused and neglected children in court each year.
In this series of interviews we provide updates from National CASA, alert you to legislative action, share experiences from program staff and volunteers in the network, and direct first-person accounts from the youth we serve. In addition, you will learn important staff and volunteer skills to help you advocate for abused and neglected kids.
National CASA Podcast
Making Waves is a weekly audio program bringing you the latest National Ocean Service news and information.
NOAA's National Ocean Service: Making Waves
Believe it or not, an AM radio station in Northfield was foolish enough to give members of the Northfield Union of Youth (also known as The Key) a radio show every Saturday. Originally broadcasting at the god-awful time of 9:00 a.m, they have since been on at the slightly more manageable time of 11:00 a.m.
The show, broadcasting live every Saturday on 1080 AM KYMN Radio in Northfield, is NOW MOVING to the station's very own podcasting site. So please make sure you look for the most recent shows here:
Keymn's Podcast
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