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Radio Netherlands Worldwide (RNW; Dutch: Radio Nederland Wereldomroep) is a public radio and television network based in Hilversum, producing and transmitting programmes for international audiences outside the Netherlands. Radio Netherlands Worldwide has also distributed content via web and e-mail technology from as early as 1992.
Radio Netherlands Worldwide
National Occupational Standards (NOS) specify UK standards of performance that people are expected to achieve in their work, and the knowledge and skills they need to perform effectively.
NOS - Nieuws, Sport en Evenementen op Radio, TV en Internet | Nederlandse Omroep Stichting
The Omroepvereniging VARA (VARA Broadcasting Association) is a Dutch public broadcasting association operating within the framework of the Nederlandse Publieke Omroep system, founded in 1925 as the Vereeniging van Arbeiders Radio Amateurs[1] (Association of Worker Radio Amateurs). The name was changed to Omroepvereniging VARA in 1957 and is no longer an acronym.
Omroepvereniging VARA
WAMU: The Diane Rehm Show Podcast
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From NPR and WAMU 88.5 FM in Washington, DC, The Diane Rehm Show is a live, award-winning NPR program featuring smart conversation and civil dialogue on top news stories and new ideas, two hours a day, five days a week.
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You might also like editor Ward Carroll sounds off "From the Editor's Desk." This weekly podcast features exclusive interviews with newsmakers and military experts that go beyond the headlines.
From The Editor's Desk
Five minutes of NPR news, updated hourly.
NPR: Hourly News Summary Podcast
Foreign Dispatch is a weekly podcast of the biggest news and best stories as covered by National Public Radio's Foreign correspondents from around the world.
NPR: Foreign Dispatch Podcast
The latest news, analysis and reporting from the Online NewsHour and its Web site, the feed is updated at least once a weekday and includes interviews, background reports and updates to put today's news in context.
Online NewsHour Podcast | PBS
Fresh from Beijing, PopupChinese teaches Chinese as it is actually spoken. Start with our basic Chinese lessons, and in no time you'll be speaking like a Beijinger. Our free daily podcasts, vibrant community, and love for the real China make us the most powerful and personal way to learn mandarin.
NPR's Foreign Desk picks the top story from the day's international coverage from Morning Edition, All Things Considered and other award-winning NPR programs.
NPR: World Story of the Day Podcast
Stay on top of the latest headlines from the Wall Street Journal Online.
Wall Street Journal What's News
Joe Connolly
A weekly conversation on politics and the Obama presidency with reporters and editors from The New York Times hosted by Times correspondents Sam Roberts and David Kirkpatrick.
Political Points
The New York Times
"It's All Politics" features Senior Washington Editor Ron Elving and Political Editor Ken Rudin. They dissect the latest news from inside the beltway, along with other political stories from around the country.
NPR: It's All Politics Podcast
Randy Cohen, Times Magazine columnist, answers readers'
questions on ethical issues each week.
The New York Times
Chicago Public Radio's global affairs program. Featuring in-depth conversations about international issues and their local impact. Also, foreign film reviews and human rights commentaries. Hosted by Jerome McDonnell. Free, in mp3, and updated weekdays.
Worldview Podcast
James Barron, a reporter at The New York Times, summarizes the top headlines every weekday morning.
Front Page
The New York Times
Kassensturz ist DAS Schweizer Magazin mit Hintergrundinformationen zu Konsum, Geld und Arbeit. Kritische Berichte, Reportagen, Tests und Interviews. Eine Sendung des Schweizer Fernsehens.
From NPR and WAMU in Washington, The Diane Rehm Show's Friday News Roundup is a fast-paced, informed discussion of the week's top news. As of Friday Oct. 27, the Roundup is a two-hour program, devoting one hour each to domestic and international topics.
The Diane Rehm Show: Friday News Roundup Podcast
Jeff Sommer, an editor for Sunday Business, talks to Times reporters and
editors about the week's business news.
Weekend Business
The New York Times
Bill Maher and his panelists are back to take on the contenders, and pretenders, all year long! Download complete episodes including Overtime, where Bill and his guests answer fan questions. For more of Real Time, go to
Real Time with Bill Maher
Mosaic is a Peabody Award-winning daily compilation of television news reports from the Middle East, including Egypt, Lebanon, Israel, Syria, the Palestinian Authority, Iraq and Iran.
Mosaic: World News From The Middle East
The World is a US-based international news and analysis program co-produced by the BBC World Service, Public Radio international, and WGBH Public Radio in Boston. Hosted by Marco Werman
PRI's The World: from BBC/PRI/WGBH
Public Radio International/WNYC
ECO zeigt auf, was die Wirtschaftswelt bewegt. Zusammenhänge und Hintergründe für einmal nicht nur faktentreu erzählt, sondern Wirtschaftswissen
mit Mehrwert für jedermann. Aktuell und kritisch. Jeden Montag um 22.20 auf SF1
Scott McCartney looks at the ups and downs of airlines and travel.
The Middle Seat
Joe Connolly
Audio comfort food for annoyed liberals in fleece.
Public radio parodies, produced by Merlin Mann.
QPR: Quotidian Public Radio
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