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Tokyo FM Broadcasting Co., Ltd. (abbreviation:TFM, Japanese: 株式会社エフエム東京) is a radio station in Chiyoda, Tokyo, Japan. It is the flagship station of the Japan FM Network (JFN).
社名 株式会社 J-WAVE
ブランド名 J-WAVE
所在地 本社
東京都港区六本木6-10-1 六本木ヒルズ森タワー33F
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Welcome to the place where the story never ends!
The Twilight Trinity is composed of Katie, Crystal, and Ryan- three girls devoted to all things Twilight.
Meet the Trinity!
We immediately fell in love with the Twilight Series. After listening to many podcasts, we thought, "Hey! we can do that!" So here we are doing just that. We are all Edward fans, but at least Katie is understanding towards Jacob. Not everyone can be as understanding as Katie.
Crystal is Bella- in her own mind at least- and, when in a moment of indecision, thinks,"What would Bella do?" Ryan whole-heartedly believes that she is Carlisle and she LIKES Emmet. She doesn't like Emmet as much as she LOVES Edward- but she really likes Emmet. (And yes, Ryan is a girl.)
Since we're just getting started, we'd love to hear from you about anything and everything! Leave comments, ask questions, tell us fun facts, complain, whatever! Join our Facebook group under Twilight Trinity.
Twilight Trinity
GeekNights Wednesdays is the weekly Anime and comic segment of GeekNights, including discussion of anime, manga, comics, Asian cinema, anime conventions, and more.
GeekNights Wednesdays: Anime Manga Comics
TORN from the pages of his bestselling compendium of fake facts, MORE INFORMATION THAN YOU REQUIRE, John Hodgman presents TODAY IN THE PAST, transmitted directly from the computer to your ears in his own RECORDED VOICE. The first page-a-day calendar with no physical pages, TODAY IN THE PAST will provide you not only the date, but also a fascinating historical fact that did not occur on that date, because it was made up by John Hodgman, Resident Expert and Famous Minor Television Personality.
If, for some reason, you need more fake facts per day than this Page-a-Day Calendar Without Pages provides, you can also find all of the pages of MORE INFORMATION THAN YOU REQUIRE, along with the rest of the COMPLETE WORLD KNOWLEDGE SERIES (The Areas of My Expertise), transformed into similar but not identical pageless technology (known as the Audio Book) elsewhere in the iTunes store. Or, for those who hate technology and/or fetishize paper, there is also a non-pageless paperback version available in appropriate stores (you know where they are).
Today In the Past
A collection of short horror stories read by their authors. Mick Garris, Christopher Golden, Jack Ketchum and a lot more! Sponsored by Dark Delicacies!
Dread Central's Dreadtime Stories
a one on one interview show with pop culture creators from the worlds of comic books, TV, film, novels, animation, and video games.
Word Balloon Comics Podcast
WGBH's Greater Boston presents Book Loft - a selection of discussions with authors promoting their new books.
Greater Boston Book Loft
WGBH Boston
Unlock the secrets of the Harry Potter series! Explore the symbols and themes in the books of J.K. Rowling.
Secrets of Harry Potter
The ONLY Harry Potter podcast to bring you interviews with author J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter actors, and much more. We're discussing Deathly Hallows and Order of the Phoenix every week and are continually bringing you the best and most up to date content anywhere. Join us for the fun!
PotterCast: #1 Harry Potter Podcast
Twilight Faux, the only fair and balanced reporting of Twilight news and Twilight commentary. We have read all the books, and we are dying to tell someone what we think of them. Expect the unexpected, when we connect the themes in Twilight to pop culture and traditional literature. What do Star Wars and Shakespeare have in common - Twilight! Hosted by: Malice in Wonderland and the Red Queen
Twilight Faux - a Twilight podcast
This is a podcast dedicated to Doctor Who - the longest science-fiction show in television history. We'll travel through time and space to the earliest show up to the adventures of the Tenth Doctor. Now just sit back and enjoy!
Podcast Who
The Leviathan Chronicles is a sci-fi podcast that tracks Macallan Orsel, a young genetic scientist in present-day New York City who discovers that immortality is not a fool's fantasy, but rather a reality for a several factions of powerful immortals living among us. The Leviathan Chronicles is the ultimate science fiction and fantasy audio drama podcast.
The Leviathan Chronicles
Leave the mortal world behind and join me as we explore horror in fiction, film, popular culture, myths & legends and more.
Dark Gate Horror Podcast
Take a voyage on the Science Fiction podcast StarShipSofa if you dare? Travel into the deepest realms of the classic Sci-fi and science fiction world. Calling at such science fiction destinations as Philip K Dick, Alfred Bester, John Brunner and all the other great Sci Fi writers out there. Then, from science fiction and Sci Fi we travel anywhere our imagination and our podcast take us. All wrapped up and inspired by the great Ronnie Corbett. Intrigued? Want to find out more about our science fiction podcast?. Then travel on the greatest science fiction and Sci Fi ride of your life, the StarShipSofa podcast.... If it's classic science fiction... or sci fi trivia listen no further - science fiction never listened so good!
Sound Opinions, the World's only rock and roll talkshow; now to go. Hosted by Jim DeRogatis of the Chicago Sun-Times and Greg Kot of the Chicago Tribune. Each week Jim and Greg bring you the latest music news and reviews. Plus tune in to hear exclusive interviews and performances. Sound Opinions is a co-production of Chicago Public Radio and American Public Media. Updated weekly.
APM: Sound Opinions on Demand
American Public Media
The Monocle Weekly signs on with a mix of smart discussion, previews, field reports and feature interviews. From our studio in London and our bureaux in Tokyo and New York, Monocle's editors focus on the horizon and explore the looming stories within the five areas that define our editorial agenda: global affairs, business, culture, design and consumer culture. Sponsored by TOTO. For more information about Monocle’s print and online offerings please visit
The Monocle Weekly
The Tin Dog welcomes you to sit back and listen to his rants and ramblings about all thatââ¬â¢s best in modern SF and Television. Via the gift of the new fangled Podcast over the tinterweb.
As you can probably guess Tin Dog mostly talks about Doctor Who, Torchwood and Sarah Jane Smith but that wont stop him talking about any other subject you suggest.
Hailing from a non specific part of the northeast of England, Tin Dog is male and in his mid 30s. A life long fan of almost all TV SF. His semi-autistic tendencies combined with his total lack of social skills have helped him find a place in the heart of British SF Fandom.
Even as a child the Tin Dogs mother told him that she can trace his love of SF TV back to his rhythmic kicking, while still in the womb, along to the beat of the Avengers theme music.
From Gabriel Chase to Totters Lane, from the Bad Wolf Satellite to the back streets of the Cardiff, Tin Dog will give you his thoughts on the wonderful Whoniverse.
Daleks and Cybermen and TARDIS ES Oh My
If you enjoy these Tin Dog Podcasts please remember to tell your friends and leave an email
Doctor Who: Tin Dog Podcast
A cultural podast featuring quirky and long-form interviews with contemporary authors, filmmakers, and cultural figures
The Bat Segundo Show
Contemporary audio drama never sounded so good! Feast your ears on a good story on the weekly podcast, Radio Drama Revival. Featuring top-quality audio stories from around the globe by the best amateurs and professional producers on the globe. Radio Drama Revival! originates on WMPG 90.9/104.1 FM in Portland, Maine and podcasts from
Radio Drama Revival
We love Twilight almost as much as we love talking about it. In this podcast we talk about everything and anything that has to do with twilight!!! the books, the movie, the characters and the actors who play them, you can find it all right here!!! And come see our website at
Fanpires all the way!
Chris Oatley is a visual development artist and content creator for film, television and other media. The aim of this podcast is to inform and inspire creatives of all types and to reveal and record the process behind his work.
Chris Oatley's ArtCast
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