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NZ Parkflyers
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Tokyo FM Broadcasting Co., Ltd. (abbreviation:TFM, Japanese: 株式会社エフエム東京) is a radio station in Chiyoda, Tokyo, Japan. It is the flagship station of the Japan FM Network (JFN).
社名 株式会社 J-WAVE
ブランド名 J-WAVE
所在地 本社
東京都港区六本木6-10-1 六本木ヒルズ森タワー33F
NZ Parkflyers
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Playing on was a site created for all the parkflyers in NZ as there was a hole in the market.
This podcast aims to keep things as local as possible and explore the ins and outs of our hobby at our local parks.
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Photography podcast & blog discusses photography, digital photography, fine art photography as well as provide tips and techniques to improve your photography.
Photography podcast - photography blog -
WNYC, New York Public Radio, brings you Soundcheck, the arts and culture program hosted by John Schaefer, who engages guests and listeners in lively, inquisitive conversations with established and rising figures in New York City's creative arts scene. Guests come from all disciplines, including pop, indie rock, jazz, urban, world and classical music, technology, cultural affairs, TV and film. Recent episodes have included features on Michael Jackson,Crosby Stills & Nash, the Assad Brothers, Rackett, The Replacements, and James Brown.
WNYC's Soundcheck
WNYC Culture
This is the Real School of Rock! The Original Rock and Roll Podcast.Interviews, music and more from a Rock and Roll Geek.All done with a Metal Sludge,Blabbermouth sense of humor For fans of Aerosmith,Cheap Trick,Wildhearts,Metallica,AC/DC,American Heartbreak,Alice Cooper,New York Dolls,Sex Pistols,Motley Crue,Starz,Runaways,Punk,Joan Jett,Suzi Quatro,Nazareth,Hanoi Rocks,D Generation,Dictators,Ramones,Kiss,Guns n\' Roses,Glam,Metal,etc.
The Rock and Roll Geek Show
My God. Its full of Beer. After years of drinking and geeking about beers on the Internet we have decided to take a stab at a legitimate beer podcast. This what we came up with instead. Cheers!
Voices of Design is a series of audio and video interviews with creative professionals who discuss their work, inspiration, influences, and how Adobe tools make it possible to explore new avenues in design for print, web, animation, video, and film.
Voices of Design
Design Critique encourages usable product designs for a better customer experience.
Using principles and experience from our careers helping clients and employers create usable products, we critique software and hardware based on long-term experience with them in our own lives.
We also interview our peers in the user experience-related fields of User-Centered Design (UCD), human-computer interaction (HCI), usability engineering, information architecture, technical communication, interaction design, customer research, and more! All while maintaining a light-hearted spirit of inquiry about how we can improve the world by designing products that serve people better.
Design Critique: Products for People
A weekly podcast of the Saturday Night Jam, live improvised jams from Detroit's modern electric jazz-rock band Fuze.
You can hear a variety of music in these weekly jam sessions from original instrumental jazz-rock to totally improvised music sessions.
Starting in 2008, these podcasts are created as extended podcasts for those that use ITunes or an IPod that can display images. In these extended podcasts you can skip to individual jams and view images for each jam.
Saturday Night Jam
Drive It - Convert It, is the Internet marketing podcast about driving more traffic to your site and converting that traffic once it's there. Drivers include Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Search Engine Marketing (which adds online advertising, vertical search, directories and pay per click - PPC to the mix), podcasting, blogs and blogging, ezines and newsletters, and more. Converters include Landing Page design, website design and analysis, content creation and copywriting, conversion tracking and more. Each episode will focus on a different aspect of increasing traffic to your web site or turning that traffic into leads, prospects, and sales. Tactics and strategies appeal to both the small and medium sized business (SMB).
Drive It - Convert It | Web and Internet Marketing
Join the most active entreprenuers in Cleveland, Ohio -- Len and Nora, as they podcast from high atop their attic studio and from various locales around town. Listen once and you'll be hooked!
Jawbone Radio
This is the all-inclusive podcast feed for the Tuning In With Wayne Henderson group of podcasts, produced by Wayne Henderson Voice-overs at This TIWWH feed includes: LOSTcasting With Wayne And Dan, The Voice-Over Journey podcast, FRiNGEcasting With Wayne And Dan, Tuning In With Wayne Henderson, and Christmas Memories Past And Present!
In addition to learning about LOST, Voice-Overs, and FRiNGE, the original TIWWH podcast covers the Green Bay Packers, Ballroom Dancing, and whatever comes to mind!
Email me at or call my voice-mail feedback line at (206) 984-1446. Show notes at
Thank you for "Tuning In..."!
Tuning In With Wayne Henderson
Sound Opinions, the World's only rock and roll talkshow; now to go. Hosted by Jim DeRogatis of the Chicago Sun-Times and Greg Kot of the Chicago Tribune. Each week Jim and Greg bring you the latest music news and reviews. Plus tune in to hear exclusive interviews and performances. Sound Opinions is a co-production of Chicago Public Radio and American Public Media. Updated weekly.
APM: Sound Opinions on Demand
American Public Media
Wedding Podcast Network is the best place on the internet to listen to advice about wedding planning. We have podcasts with newlyweds who share their wedding planning experiences. And podcasts with the top wedding professionals sharing their expertise. We have podcasts with wedding cake designers Ron Ben-Israel and Sylvia Weinstock.We also have a podcast with wedding make-up artist Laura Geller. Listen to our wedding podcast with world famous wedding designer Preston Bailey who has designed for Oprah Winfrey, Donald Trump, Regis Philbin and Joan Rivers to name just a few. We have shows that cover things like, destination weddings, honeymoons, relationships, fashion, beauty products, music, wedding planners who are planning weddings and so much more. Listen to our programs about celebrity weddings and get advice from our newlyweds on Newlywedcast. If you are planning a wedding then you need The Wedding Podcast Network (TM) Wedding Talk Radio at its best. Wedding planning on demand. The original and still the best place for wedding planning advice. Wedding Podcast Network for the savvy couple planning a great wedding. We are wedding talk radio at it's best
Wedding Podcast Network (70 Most Recent Podcasts)
Déclencheur est le lien entre la passion pour la photo de Benoît Marchal et son enthousiasme pour le Web 2.0. Parlons photos entre passionnés.
The podcast about VoIP security: news, opinions and commentary about the latest threats and tools in the world of Voice over IP (VoIP) and IP telephony security. Created by two security professionals involved with the Voice Over IP Security Alliance (VOIPSA), the show also frequently includes interviews with people involved in the field and tutorials on VoIP security topics.
Blue Box: The VoIP Security Podcast
Each year, the TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) conference hosts some of the world's most fascinating people: Trusted voices and convention-breaking mavericks, icons and geniuses. These podcasts (also available in audio format) capture the most extraordinary presentations delivered from the TED stage.
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Sometime in the 23rd centuryhellip;the survivors of war, overpopulation
and pollution are living in a great domed city, sealed away from the
forgotten world outside. Here, in a seemingly perfect world, mankind
lives only for pleasure.
Therersquo;s just one catch:
Life must end at thirty unless reborn in the fiery ritual of Carousel.
BrokenSea - Logan's Run
As a husband, father, and educator, Jeff Young is passionate about faith, family, community, education... and food! It is for this reason that he founded The Catholic Foodie, which produces fun and entertaining media that foster growth in faith and community. The goal? To strengthen families and to encourage a stronger sense of community through social media.
The Catholic Foodie
The Exploratorium is not only an interactive science and art museum, it's a hub where leading thinkers and makers converge and share ideas. Visiting scientists, artists, educators, and visionaries all pass through our doors. The Exploratorium Audio Salon Podcast captures some of the exciting conversations so you can hear them, too.
Latest Audio Salon Podcasts from the Exploratorium
Join the Addict and the Expert, Kevin Michaluk and Craig Johnston, as they talk about the BlackBerry smartphone. News, tips, contests, and more! Podcast
The PSN Podcast is dedicated to both the amateur and professional recording musician. It features news, talk, interviews and reviews on all topics related to the performing and recording of audio and video.
Join us every week for interesting insights, tips and tricks from inside the music business. The show is highly interactive and we encourage you to e-mail us with what you'd like to see on the show or questions you'd like us to answer.
Would you like to be a guest? Would you like us to play a cut from your latest project? Drop us a line and let us know why our listeners would like to hear what you have to say or play!
Phone: (928) 395-1343
Project Studio Network Recording Podcast
Mixes and commentary on harmonic mixing in drum and bass by Rocdollar who hosts a radio show on Visit for the full source feed. Big up!
Roc's Digital Soundboard
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