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Rip City Bad Boys
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Contemporary drama in a rural setting from the world's longest running radio soap opera.
BBC Radio 4
ESPN is an American cable television network focusing on sports-related programming—including live and pre-taped event telecasts, sports talk shows, and other original programming.
Founded by Bill Rasmussen,[1] his son Scott Rasmussen and Aetna insurance agent Ed Eagan, it launched on September 7, 1979, under the direction of Chet Simmons, the network's President and CEO (and later the United States Football League's first commissioner). The Getty Oil Company provided funding to begin the new venture via executive Stuart Evey.
Home Box Office, a division of Time Warner Entertainment Company, L.P. (TWE), provides two 24-hour premium TV services, HBO and Cinemax, to subscribers across the United States via cable, C-band satellite, direct broadcast satellite (DBS) and microwave (MMDS). HBO is also available to guests in hotels and motels across the country.
Slate is a daily magazine on the Web. Founded in 1996, we are a general-interest publication offering analysis and commentary about politics, news, business, technology, and culture
Slate Magazine
Joe Connolly’s lively and interesting business reports are heard by 2 million people every week on WCBS 880 in New York and by millions more nationally through syndication. Officially, Joe works for the Wall Street Journal, where his primary job is to provide business reports for WCBS Newsradio 880.
Joe Connolly
Breaking News, Latest News and Current News from Breaking news and video. Latest Current News: U.S., World, Entertainment, Health, Business, Technology, Politics, Sports.
FNC iMag - Breaking News | Latest News | Current News
CBS College Sports Staff
Big Ten Network Homepage, A joint venture between the Big Ten Conference and Fox Networks, the Big Ten Network is the first internationally distributed network is the ultimate destination for Big Ten fans and alumni across the country. The network operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, showcasing a wide array of classic-to-current sports and televising more Olympic sporting events and women's s
Big Ten Network
Big Ten Network
NUIT A&RT NUAMPS (Northwestern University Advanced Media Production Studio) is a professional production team within Northwestern University Information Technology (NUIT), Academic & Research Technologies, dedicated to the service and advancement of multimedia applications in teaching and research.
Rip City Bad Boys
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Your hosts Kielen and Tristan are huge fans. Kielen (a Michigan native) is a lifelong Pistons fan (Bad Boys) and Tristan is a diehard Blazers fan (Rip City). So why not bring those two together in one awesome podcast?
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the selectbutton podcast is half rollicking argument about videogames, half self-absorbed inanity.
It's a lot like those movies where the kids are playing a cool videogame, and then they get sucked into the videogame, but now when they die in the game
:: the podcast ::
Can life lessons we learn from movies prepare us for the end of civilization? Is Harry Potter the new Star Wars? Has modern science fiction lost its way? Are housewives ruining American television?
Explore these questions and many others with Sean Gilbert, Brooks Robinson and Greg Starks in TV Ate My Dinner, the podcast that brings you the finest in opiniontainment when it comes to movies, TV and media issues. It could also mean the difference between living and dying if you ever find yourself staring down the business end of a zombie bite, so this is one show you can't afford to miss!
TV Ate My Dinner
Craft beer and spirits reviews from Pittsburgh, PA aimed at the "Average Joe" in hopes of introducing craft beers and fine spirits to a new audience. Here at SIDT the motto is "Even if it's crap, we drink it so you don't have to!" Other podcasts just "sample" beer, we drink them!
Should I Drink That? Brewcast
Comedy/music duo Paul and Storm chat about the things that occur to them, but not for so long that you get too sick of it.
Paul and Storm Talk About Some Stuff for Five to Ten Minutes (On Average)
Bad Weeds San Francisco. It brings queer San Francisco-- and the world -- to your gay iPod!
- Bad Weeds San Francisco *Queer!*
TORN from the pages of his bestselling compendium of fake facts, MORE INFORMATION THAN YOU REQUIRE, John Hodgman presents TODAY IN THE PAST, transmitted directly from the computer to your ears in his own RECORDED VOICE. The first page-a-day calendar with no physical pages, TODAY IN THE PAST will provide you not only the date, but also a fascinating historical fact that did not occur on that date, because it was made up by John Hodgman, Resident Expert and Famous Minor Television Personality.
If, for some reason, you need more fake facts per day than this Page-a-Day Calendar Without Pages provides, you can also find all of the pages of MORE INFORMATION THAN YOU REQUIRE, along with the rest of the COMPLETE WORLD KNOWLEDGE SERIES (The Areas of My Expertise), transformed into similar but not identical pageless technology (known as the Audio Book) elsewhere in the iTunes store. Or, for those who hate technology and/or fetishize paper, there is also a non-pageless paperback version available in appropriate stores (you know where they are).
Today In the Past
une selection poussiereuse sur radio FMR 89.1 MHz Toulouse. Le mercredi de 19h a 20h. plein de vieilleries. de bizarreries en tous genres. Amateurs geniaux. stars incomprises. maitres incontestes, artistes contemporains extraprolifiques. nerds insomniaques bidouilleurs de fichiers .WAV ou superstars de la pop Srilankaise.
In the early 1960s, Mal Sharpe and James P. Coyle roamed the streets of San Francisco with a microphone, roping strangers into bizarre schemes and surreal stunts. Today, their humor has become a touchstone for a broad range of comics and personalities from The Upright Citizens Brigade to Henry Rollins to WFMU radio.
Coyle and Sharpe: The Imposters
Comedian Marc Maron is tackling the most complex philosophical question of our day - WTF? He'll get to the bottom of it with help from comedian friends, celebrity guests and the voices in his own head. You loved him on Morning Sedition. You kinda liked him on The Marc Maron Show. You tolerated him on Break Room Live. Now, embrace him on a show from which he cannot be fired - WTF with Marc Maron.
WTF with Marc Maron Podcast
Howler Owlers is a podcast that is entertaining because the girls that are the hosts laugh a lot! We laugh at what each other say, and aren't afraid to admit that we are geeks and dorks. We have 'regular shows' where we all have segments where we do our own thing and we talk about world events and common things. Then there are our Harry Potter episodes or 'Potter Watch' shows, where we talk about Harry Potter! We will occoisonally have different theme shows.
Howler Owler
A four minute weekly radio comic strip. ...It's what Steve Inskeep and Renee Montagne might be hotly debating as they walk into the studio -- just before they get on mic.
This short radiostrip plays out in the kitchen of 11 Central Ave, the home of an extended family where a hodgepodge of other characters regularly drops in.As they rush around in the morning drinking coffee, reading the paper, looking for their shoes, they're talking about everything from the most compelling topics of our time (the Supreme Court nominee and his views on abortion) to the most ridiculous (mommy blogging), and everything in between -- covenant marriage, teens hooking up, the next pandemic, the fog of internet dating.
It's a wry look at America's zeitgeist. Come hear something new "11 Central Ave" - the radio comic strip. Show airs on public radio WBEZ in Chicago, and WBUR in Boston
11 Central Ave
The John Cleese Podcast. The thoughts, observations and musings of John Cleese.
John Cleese Podcast
Welcome To Rosemary Goes To The Mall Dot Com!
In the Spring of 2006, Rosemary had the brilliant idea of creating a giant sculpture made out of shopping bags from the Mall of America. Congratulating herself on her genius, she went to the Mall and started asking stores for bags, but they wouldn’t give them to her without buying something. Thus began one of the most misguided adventures of her young life, as she slowly worked her way around the Mall, making purchases at every retail store but two (she lied to get the Eddie Bauer bag, and got weirded out at Daniel’s Leather). In the end, she made purchases at over 300 stores, returning (most of) those purchases bag-less on the following visit.
Among her favorite items were the $100 Stella McCartney yoga mat, the gold lamé Puma gym bag, a super cute pair of Mia sandals from Macy’s, and a $300 pair of Prada sunglasses – inspiring her alter ego, “the lady with the Prada sunglasses” to take over for a couple subsequent shopping trips. Other adventures included getting high at the oxygen bar and buying a $500 GPS system for her car at Radio Shack. She kept only the things she really needed, or were too cute to pass up, and she got stuck with a lot of dumb stuff from stores that didn’t accept returns.
In all, Rosemary spent $15,339.46 at the Mall, and she can’t quite bring herself to publicly state the dollar amount of the purchases she kept. Her husband stopped looking at the credit card bill about 5 shopping trips in, citing “increased anxiety and a tightness in his chest.” Rosemary, having grappled with the shopping-related demons of boredom, guilt, anger, and exhilaration, is just really glad it’s over.
Rosemary Goes to the Mall
Comedy, interviews and talk from MaxFunCon, the annual Convocation of Awesome hosted by
MaxFunCon Podcast
podcasting since september 2004, dawn miceli and drew domkus, two ex gutter punks who fall in love, buy a retired farm in southeast wisconsin and tell the world their dirty secrets… always profane, rarely profound.
The Dawn and Drew Show!
une émission vaguement musicale, un ton léger, de grands experts qui s'y connaissent, des rubriques hebdomadaires et éphéméres, sur radio FMR, Toulouse.
Let's Get Buzy, Toulouse
Hosted by Murray Valeriano and Joe Wilson, ROAD STORIES is a first hand look at life on and off the road for today's top comedians. Tune in for stories from Maria Bamford, Hard and Phirm, Jackie Kashian, Graham Elwood, Sarah Colonna and many, many more...
roadstories's Podcast
Our Miss Brooks starring Eve Arden Who played the fun-loving but sometimes frazzled English teacher at Madison High School, Our Miss Brooks . Probably the most famous teacher ever on radio, Connie Brooks was a wonderful combination of sincere and smart, and Eve Arden played her perfectly. From the very beginning of the radio run in 1948, Our Miss Brooks became a favorite of women, high school kids and parents across the nation.
Our Miss Brooks's Podcast
Second Shift follows an ambitious, character-centric story arc about three college students from Boston who find themselves "shifted" against their will to another world. They must find their place in that world while trying to return to theirs. If you've just found Second Shift, please be sure to start with episode one: "Everything to Everyone, Part 1"!
Second Shift: An original fantasy Podplay (web-quality audio version)
Charlie the Beer Guy
Hosted by Don Aston Yesterday's Radio presents radio shows from one of the most extensive Old Time Radio Collections in America.
Yesterday's Radio
Radio Theatre Group are a theatre company with a difference. Our output includes live theatre, radio broadcasts and audio drama. Several of our productions are available here to listen or download and we will add more on a regular basis.
Radio Theatre Group
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