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Um podcast feito para programadores e empreendedores.
Grok Podcast
The CLAS Latin American Briefing Series brings academic and policy experts to the University of Chicago campus to address important events and issues in contemporary Latin America. The series is supported, in part, by a Department of Education National Resource Center grant to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign/University of Chicago Consortium for Latin American Studies and is co-sponsored by the International House Global Voices Program.
The Latin American Briefing Series
'Nuestro flamenco', dirigido por el prestigioso flamencólogo e investigador José María Velásquez Gaztelu, responsable también de la serie de TVE 'Rito y Geografía del Cante y del Baile', lleva en antena más de dos décadas. Por el espacio han pasado todas las grandes figuras del flamenco actual: Paco de Lucía, José Menese, Enrique Morente, Chaquetón y Carmen Linares, entre otros muchos. En su archivo han quedado registradas las voces de maestros ya desaparecidos, como Juan Varea o Rafael Romero El Gallina. 'Nuestro flamenco' cuenta con una nutrida e incondicional audiencia, que participa de forma activa en el espacio. El programa consta de varias secciones: Entrevistas, Flamenco en papel de cartas (buzón del oyente), Grabaciones históricas, De inspiración flamenca (músicas inspiradas o sugeridas por el flamenco) y Los poetas y el flamenco.
Nuestro Flamenco
Radio Nacional de España - RTVE
CBN - Comentários de Jabor, Lucia Hippolito, Kennedy Alencar, Merval e Roseann Kennedy
CBN - Podcast - Política
Este é o MacMagazine no Ar, o podcast do MacMagazine — um dos maiores sites sobre o mundo Apple no Brasil e na língua portuguesa. O melhor pedaço da maçã.
MacMagazine no Ar
José España, experto inversionista, compartirá con Ud. cómo obtener multiples fuentes de ingresos para obtener su libertad financiera y dejar de preocuparse por su futuro. Le ayudará a adelantar la fecha de su retiro por muchos años. Ud. debe escuchar estos consejos de inversión en la Bolsa de Valores de Estados Unidos, administración de su dinero, negocios por medio de internet y bienes raíces que le ayudará a desarollar la mentalidad de abundancia financiera.
Vazio e sem retorno de valor
Void Podcast
UN Radio Classics in English
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United Nations Audio Library presents UN Radio Classics, an online archive of documentary and dramatic programmes starring Audrey Hepburn, Kirk Douglas and Bing Crosby, among many others. These programmes, available free of charge with digitally remastered sound, offer a unique way of experiencing key historical moments of the United Nations and of the world throughout the second half of the 20th century.
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Podcast Highlights: Amanda Ripley discusses the thought process that people encounter during a disaster. Ripley talks about some counterproductive things that occur in human cognition during a disaster and she discusses the effectiveness of preparedness and its effect on human reaction during extreme situations. Also, she discusses the surprising, yet common characteristics of human behavior that are more helpful than expected. Get the details by listening to this podcast.
Get Ready Report
New ITIL Expert Interviews and Exclusive "How To" Podcasts for ITIL and ITSM Professionals. Featuring ITIL Version 3, ITIL Implementation and Advanced Best Practices.
IT Service Podcasts - Featuring ITIL Version 3
The Association for Enterprise Opportunity (AEO) is seeking to get the message out that microfinance and microenterprise not only work internationally, but also domestically, right here in the U.S.--a point you can hear more about in the podcast of Dr. Muhammad Yunus, 2006 Nobel Peace Prize winner, speaking at AEO's 2007 Annual Conference. We hope our podcast will help to educate and inform the broader public about how this movement in the U.S. has grown over the last 20 years into a crucial tool for poverty alleviation AND economic development in America. The United States has deep entrepreneurial roots, and the movement is of the opinion that this proven strategy for dignity and economic security should be made available to all. AEO has over 450 nonprofit members who daily work with underserved, low and moderate-income individuals to start or build their businesses; this involves offering microloans and business training, as well as other forms of assistance. More on the various components of microenterprise in the U.S. can be found on our website,, and on that of FIELD, a program of the Aspen Institute that has done wonderful work over the years in the area of microenterprise in the U.S. ( The podcast will also serve to distribute relevant audio messages to the AEO membership.
AEO Exchange
The multimedia content on this site in the form of audio and video material are all in the public domain. This site is not used by the U.S. Forest Service for official business purposes.
Forest Podcast
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