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Cartoons and Multifilimi
A Classic 1939 Animated Film in 3D anaglyph and stereoscopic. Produced by Max Fleischer and Directed by Dave Fleischer. Based on Jonathan Swift's classic novel of a heroic sailor stranded on a remote island. Gulliver is soon discovered on the beach by the tiny thumb size town crier. Gabby (the crier) runs to tell the King. But the King is planning the impending wedding of his daughter. Princess Gloria to Prince David from the nearby Kingdom. When the two Kings can't agree on which song to play at the wedding, Gulliver finds himself in the middle of a war. Using his common sense he helps the two sides resolve their dispute.
Gulliver's Travels 3D
Barbie & Her Sisters in A Pony Tale (2013) HD Full Movie
Barbie & Her Sisters in A Pony Tale (2013) HD Full Movie
Barbie, Skipper, Stacie, and Chelsea drive to Aunt Marlene's Alpine Academy in the Swiss Alps for a month long horseback riding vacation. They are greeted by their cousins, Max and Marie, who present the sisters with a room. Barbie feels that her winning the Pacific Steeplechase, an event in the Inter-Academy Equestrian Tournament, will depend on her finding the right horse for her. She meets Etienne Cheynet, the riding master, and then gets to choose her own horse from the thoroughbreds in the stable. Barbie is joined by Marlene and reveals that she is not sure which horse to pick.
The next day, Barbie goes riding with everyone and sees a horse, but it disappears. She sees the same horse in the academy logo and notices its unusual markings. Barbie finds Etienne singing to a horse to calm it. Etienne explains that the horses Barbie has seen are from a fable about an ancient herd called the Majestique, and that there is no proof they are real. Philippe Cheynet, the riding master of École Montagne and Etienne's brother, interrupts them and says that the Majestiques don't exist. However, he knows that the Majestiques are real and lies because his brother is present.
Barbie goes riding by herself and some wolves scare away her horse, Finian. She is saved from the wolves by the Majestique horse she had seen the day before, and it runs away. The following day, Barbie and Finian went riding again and found the Majestique horse with its leg stuck under a rock. To relax the horse, Barbie sings the song she heard Etienne singing and manages to move the rock. She uses her scarf as a bandage to tie around the horse's bleeding leg and she names her Majesty. Philippe later finds some of Majesty's mane and sees Barbie nearby, so he follows her.
Barbie goes out alone and is able to ride Majesty, which Philippe witnesses. Majesty shows Barbie a herd of breed in the Valley of the Majestiques. Meanwhile, Marlene tells Skipper that she may have to sell the academy to Bridgette Cheynet, the mother of Etienne and Philippe and the owner of École Montagne, if they don't win the tournament. Skipper finds Barbie with the Majestiques and encourages her big sister to run for Alpine in the tournament instead of Etienne, but Barbie is reluctant to run in the steeplechase on Majesty in case Philippe finds the Majestiques and hurts them.
On the opening day of the tournament, Alpine Academy and École Montagne are tied for first place. That night, there is a dance which everyone attends. While everyone is distracted, Philippe sneaks out and releases the Alpine Academy's horses in order to sabotage them. Chelsea sneaks out to ride a big horse and attracts attention by screaming when she is overwhelmed. The horse she is on hurts Etienne's arm so he can't compete. Barbie searches for the horses with Skipper and Jonas, a boy from École Montagne. She realises that Majesty found the academy's horses and led them away.
Barbie leads everyone to the Majestiques and they find the other horses. She tells Skipper and Jonas to keep them a secret and they start going back to the academy with the horses. On the way back, they encounter Philippe. Philippe excludes Jonas from École Montagne for helping Barbie to find the horses. Philippe tells Barbie that he knows the Majestiques are on Alpine land, and that the land and the horses will belong to École Montagne after the tournament. The only way to save the academy and the Majestiques would be to win the tournament, so Barbie competes instead of Etienne.
Barbie enters the tournament just in time and rides for Alpine on Majesty. Philippe makes the saddle come off of Majesty, so Barbie and Majesty race without it and manage to win. The overall Tournament Cup goes to Alpine Academy. Bridgette congratulates Barbie and Barbie gets a photo of herself and her family with Majesty and the troph
Barbie & Her Sisters in A Pony Tale (2013) HD Full Movie
Barbie Channel
Jumpstart Your Health is a fun 2 week exercise and nutrition program created specifically for kids ages 6-14 years old. Kids will journey to the KFIT virtual world where they will learn key health and nutrition messages that doctors recommend to prevent and treat childhood obesity. Then, they will join Anna and her friends for dynamic workouts that will improve their overall fitness level. DVD Includes 2 complete workouts approximately 20 minutes in duration and 7 Healthy Tips approximately 3 minutes in duration. Ideally kids will complete 1 workout and 1 healthy tip every other day for 2 weeks! Now GET READY, GET SET & GET FIT!
JUMPSTART YOUR HEALTH: Workouts with Anna and the KFIT Kids
JUMPSTART YOUR HEALTH (Exercise and Nutrition Program for Kids)
An unexpected event threatens to change Joaquin's life forever. The story his grandfather used to tell him becomes the fantasy that leads us to his inner world.
El viejo yacaré sin dientes - The old and toothless yacare
Jeridoo TV
Barbie The Princess & The Popstar (2013) HD Full Movie
Barbie The Princess & The Popstar (2013) HD Full Movie
In the summer, Meribella, a magical kingdom, was soon going to have its five hundredth anniversary. Princess Tori and her younger sisters Meredith and Trevi were very busy. They had to attend ceremonies and balls, and always be poised and proper. The princesses thought it was hard work. Whenever they had the chance, they would sneak away and play together. Before Meribella's five hundredth anniversary, the princesses had to greet royal visitors, who came to Meribella for the occasion. Tori wished she could have an exciting, music-filled life like her favorite popstar, Keira. She wished she could watch Keira performing in an ampitheatre near her palace.
Keira, a world famous singer-songwriter, was on the guest list and was going to perform at the festival for the Meribella's five hundredth anniversary. Keira enjoyed touring, greeting fans and having extravagant, spectacular concerts. However, it left her with no time to do what she was passionate about: writing songs. Keira thought being a princess would be carefree.
The next day, members of the royal court were invited to the palace in Meribella to meet the royal family. Duchess Amelia, Tori's aunt, told off Tori for watching Keira's nearby concert when she was supposed to be greeting guests. Tori had to go back to the guests, so she used a magic hairbrush to style her hair before leaving.
When Keira went to the palace for the festival, she met Tori. They became great friends instantly, and so did their pet dogs Vanessa and Riff. Tori gave Keira a tour of the palace and so they began joking about trading places. Keira showed her magic microphone, that her aunt had given her, to Tori. It transformed her outfit into a royal gown. Tori used her magic hairbrush, so she used it to transform her hair into a different hairstyle. They realised that they looked just like each other.
Tori and Keira stayed disguised as each other while Tori carried on giving Keira a tour of her palace. They entered the secret garden, where fairies tended to the plants. There were gardenia flowers made out of diamonds, which were called Diamond Gardenias. Tori told Keira that the Diamond Gardenia roots spread through the entire kingdom. Without it, Meribella would wither and die. The Diamond Gardenia made the kingdom magical.
Later, Crider and Rupert, two evil men, uprooted the Diamond Gardenia. The fairies tried to stop them, but their efforts were in vain. Tori and Keira stop them, and they learn that it's important for them to be their own selves.
Barbie The Princess & The Popstar (2013) HD Full Movie
Barbie Channel
Meet Minions and all they do
Meet Minions
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Countries of the World
Kids TV 123
Маша и Медведь - Все серии
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"Маша и Медведь" - это самый популярный российский мультсериал для всей семьи, рассказывающий о дружбе бывшего циркового артиста Медведя и маленькой веселой хулиганки Маши, которая не дает скучать не только ему, но и всем лесным жителям.
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Favorite in Cartoons and Multifilimi
"Маша и Медведь" - это самый популярный российский мультсериал для всей семьи, рассказывающий о дружбе бывшего циркового артиста Медведя и маленькой веселой хулиганки Маши, которая не дает скучать не только ему, но и всем лесным жителям.
Маша и Медведь - Все серии
Маша и Медведь ТВ
Первый фильм из серии о забавном медвежонке и его друзьях. Фильм снят по сказке Алана Милна. Глава, в которой происходит знакомство с Винни-Пухом и подозрительными пчелами.
Винни Пух
Цветной рисованный фильм по мотивам русской сказки о том, что доброта, бескорыстная любовь и честность всегда побеждают коварство, злобу и чванство.
Летучий корабль
Однажды король моря попала в заговор, который планирует Имоджен восстания. Король принимает ядовитых наркотиков и болеет. Лекарство, которое вылечит короля болезни, как говорят, печень кролика. Герой отправляется на берег, чтобы земля в мире место своего отца, генерального Тагула. Герой добивается обмана и привлечения кролика Sea World. Но кролик Эми выкарабкается из кризиса, говоря ложь, Эми говорит, что она оставила свою печень в чудо гора. Эми и герой отправился в долгое путешествие в Чудо горы в поисках для печени. Во время путешествия, Эми всегда ищет возможность убежать, но это не так просто убежать далеко от героев из-за ожерелья, что Эми носит. Duji, страус, которые не могут летать, считает, что мастер, живущий в горах чудо может заставить его летать. С этой верой, Duji присоединяется Герой и Эми, и они все головы чуда гора. Между тем Имоджен, после сбоя в заговор, попытки захватить правление Морской мир с помощью силы злой призрак, Джек, которая была поставлена под печатью в течение длительного времени. Имоджен становится более мощным после того, как указано в магическую силу злыми Джек призрак. Имоджен затем угрожает Хуэй кошки, босс банды гоняться за героев. Банда Хуэй неохотно следует Героя партии и пытается остановить их, но это всегда Хуэй, который попадает в неприятности.
Черепашка Герой
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