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Киноконце́рн «Мосфи́льм» — самое крупное ведущее предприятие киноиндустрии России, одна из крупнейших киностудий Европы, оснащённая современным высокотехнологичным оборудованием, позволяющим полностью осуществлять весь цикл кинопроизводства. На «Мосфильме» осуществляется производство практически всей отечественной кино-, теле- и видеопродукции.
Днём рождения киноконцерна «Мосфильм» принято считать 30 января 1924 года, когда состоялась премьера первого полнометражного немого фильма «На крыльях ввысь» режиссёра Бориса Михина
"Маша и Медведь" - это самый популярный российский мультсериал для всей семьи, рассказывающий о дружбе бывшего циркового артиста Медведя и маленькой веселой хулиганки Маши, которая не дает скучать не только ему, но и всем лесным жителям.
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На нашем канале собраны все лучшие советские мультфильмы, добрые, поучительные, веселые и любимые многими поколениями. Это непревзойденная классика отечественной мультипликации. Среди обилия современных отечественных и зарубежных мультсериалов наши старые добрый мультики до сих пор занимают важное место в сердцах и детей и взрослых. Желаем всем приятного просмотра и отличного настроения!
УкрАнима - это первый лицензионный online каталог украинской анимации. В нем собрана полная коллекция мультфильмов студии "КиевНаучФильм" и "УкрАнимаФильм" начиная с 1961 г. В их числе: Медвежонок и Тот-Кто-В-Речке-Живет, Как Казаки..., Вий, Катигорошек, Сказка о белой льдинке, Отчаянный кот Васька, Алиса в стране Чудес, Капитошка, Как Петя Пяточкин слонов считал, Доктор Айболит, Капитан Врунгель, Остров сокровищ, и многие другие.
УкрАнима - коллекция мультфильмов студии "КиевНаучФильм" и "УкрАнимаФильм"
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Decoder Ring Theatre presents new stories and characters inspired by the classic broadcasts of the Golden Age of Radio. The crimebusting exploits of The Red Panda - Canada's Greatest Superhero! The mystery of that hardest-boiled of detectives, Black Jack Justice... all this and more in full-length, full-cast recordings.
Decoder Ring Theatre
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Here is 'Robinson Crusoe' by Daniel Defoe in its entirety as a weekly podcast. Widely regarded as marking the start of the english novel, this book is a grand and moving adventure. If your impression of this story comes from a movie, perhaps you should listen. The book is much better. For more audio from, try the Sound Story Club at our web site. You can also listen to a pirate novel at the 'Pirate Jack' podcast.
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A reconstruction of radio as it sounded and felt in the 1920s and '30s. Bring you the most authentic Old Time Radio Programming in the world.
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Terry & The Pirates was a action-adventure drama featured realistically drawn adventures in the far east and had a serious bent to it, unlike many of the comics of the day. Terry Lee grew up in the strip opposite characters such as Pat Ryan, the soldier of fortune and "two-fisted journalist", Connie, the coolie and interpreter, and his nemesis, the Dragon Lady. Join us as we listen to every exciting episode of the great radio adventure.
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During Mutual Radio broadcast of "The Adventures of Superman", starting in 1945 Superman and Batman, years before their comic book collaborations, really became a functioning team. But largely the team-up of Batman, and Superman provided some time off for an overworked Bud Collyer (Superman). These episodes called for Superman to be occupied elsewhere, and the crime fighting would be handled by Batman. Stacy Harris played Batman in this first team-up with the Man of Steel, and Ronald Liss was Robin. Batman and Robin returned several times over the years, usually with Matt Crowley as Batman and Ronald Liss always played Robin. Now,listen to Batman on the Radio and Movie Serials from the 1940's.
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Enjoy the fun and excitement of listening to thrilling Old Time Radio Mystery shows. Experience a professional cast of actors, great scripts and thrilling suspense. Don't forget to visit our website for more free shows like these. is your one-stop source for thousands of Free Old Time Radio Shows!
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The Cisco Kid came to radio October 2, 1942, with Jackson Beck in the title role and Louis Sorin as Pancho. With Vicki Vola and Bryna Raeburn in supporting roles and Michael Rye announcing, this series continued on Mutual until 1945. It was followed by another Mutual series in 1946, starring Jack Mather and Harry Lang, who continued to head the cast in the syndicated radio series of more than 600 episodes from 1947 to 1956.
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This podcast is a collection of various fairytales released on creative commons nondervitive and non comercial creative commons licesnse 3.0. Please share them with your family or friends if you liek these stories they are only one third of the material created by storyteller Brother Wolf at
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Boston Blackie is a fictional character who has been on both sides of the law. As originally created by author Jack Boyle, he was a safecracker, a hardened criminal who had served time in a California prison. Prowling the underworld as a detective in adaptations for films, radio and television, the detective Boston Blackie was "an enemy to those who make him an enemy, friend to those who have no friend."
The Boston Blackie radio series, starring Chester Morris, began June 23, 1944, on NBC as a summer replacement for The Amos 'n' Andy Show. Sponsored by Rinso, the series continued until September 15 of that year. Lesley Woods appeared as Blackie's girlfriend Mary Wesley, and Harlow Wilcox was the show's announcer.
On April 11, 1945, Richard Kollmar took over the title role in a radio series syndicated by Frederic W. Ziv to Mutual and other network outlets. Over 200 episodes of this series were produced between 1944 and October 25, 1950. Other sponsors included Lifebuoy Soap, Champagne Velvet beer and R&H beer.
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You Are There is a great early radio program that not only entertained but educated the listener. Reported in first person the show places you the listener back into history to experience history as it unfolded. Reported live you will hear history take place in exciting recreations of histories greatest moments.
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